Causes and treatment of bone Edema
Bone edema is an inflammation that occurs inside the bone (in the bone marrow)
Our collaborator, the Fisiopinar Clinic, tells us in this article the causes, symptoms and possible solutions of a Bone edema
What is bone edema?
El Bone edema is a inflammation what happens in the bone interior (in the bone marrow). What is observed is that there are fluid inside the bone.
Edema occurs when there is an increase in pressure in the bone, so the body produces inflammatory fluid to protect the area that enters the marrow.
It can be given in any area of the body but the most usual areas are: knee, tobillo, astragalus, calcaneus, metatarsus, shoulder y wrist.
What you have to keep in mind is that it is a complex lesion and very slow evolution and if we do not respect the times, there may be a trabecular stress fracture.
Bone edema symptoms
The symptoms is mainly the localized pain and deaf that increases in charge although in greater degrees of injury It can hurt even at rest.
Causes of bone edema
The main causes are: direct traumatisms such as direct hits and microtrauma (repetitive impacts), and other causes such as condal lesions, infectious...
To diagnose an edema we need a rMagnetic resonance or a Bone scintigraphy, since in an x-ray the inner liquid of the bone can not be seen.
Bone edema treatment
El main treatment is rest and to a more severe degree some discharge orthosis. Other treatments of choice may be: radiofrequency, magnetotherapy or high frequency laser that cause a bone stimulation to reabsorb the edema.
Above all it is necessary that the athlete has patience since it is an injury that can oscillate Between 3 and 9 months, which does not mean that we have to be in absolute rest, but under the supervision of a professional, we can progressively increase in the exercises such as swimming, cycling, progressively increasing the load .. and thus with a treatment we can shorten the healing times.
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