Volcano Triathlon
Articles on injuries and sports physiotherapy

What can be done to resolve pain in the iliotibial band?

Our colabotador David Serra Answer the question that one of our readers sent us:


What can be done for the pain I have in the iliotibial band?

To the 10 -15 minutes to start running I have to stop because of the pain.



David Serra Responds

Hello Alejandro, you have an overload on the iliotibial band for a biomechanical problem, with which in addition to doing a good specific job to relax and reduce inflammation in that area with your Physio, you must do an exercise program to compensate your posture when running.


Normally this problem is associated with genu varro knees, with which you have to enhance the vast internal and relax or stretch the band. Anyway you must combine the race on foot with the bike and avoid running on very hard surfaces. Slow down the volume of kilometers per week on foot. If you go out a lot by bike, it would be good for you to do a biomechanical study.


David Serra


If you have any questions for David Serra Physiotherapist, contact us through the Contact Form

More information: at http://www.fisiocerdanyola.com/




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