Volcano Triathlon
Articles on injuries and sports physiotherapy

Do you suffer overload after a long workout?

As usual, one of our readers has sent us his problem and our collaborator David Serra proposes a solution



Cesár, says the following:

When running 80 minutes continuous race at a smooth pace I was charged the inside of the left leg, just above the ankle bone. The next day it hurts, but by the third day it stops hurting me. When swimming, riding a bike and playing soccer does not bother me at all.


David Serra Responds:


What you tell me could be a beginning of periostitis or an overload. You must decrease career time continuous and the total kilometers of running on weekdays.


Neither be very drastic, just drop a little kilometers or change a race session for some cycling. Review your footwear, that is not too worn out and try to look for surfaces that absorb the impact well. When running, do the steps a little shorter, especially in the descents.


Greetings, David Serra

If you have any questions for David Serra Physiotherapist, contact us through the Contact Form


More information: at http://www.fisiocerdanyola.com/


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