Volcano Triathlon
Articles on injuries and sports physiotherapy

Do you suffer from Rotuliana chondromalacia? David Serra tells us how to act in the face of this injury.

Our collaborator David Serra Answer the question that one of our readers sent us:


On the basis that I believe that Chondromalacia Patella is not completely cured ... How can I improve my standard of living? Referring to: training, competition etc.



David Responds:


Hi Ignacio,

It can not be said that the chondromalacia patellar it is not cured at all, nor is it completely cured. It all depends on many factors and in your case for your affirmation, it is surely costing you a lot.


 From the beginning you must enhance any exercise or physical activity that you report muscle improvement without damaging the cartilage such as bike road, swimming, isometric and eccentric exercises.


You avoid squats o the quadriceps weights in the gym As for running, it depends on the stage you are in, you will be able to leave gradually and progressively, the stronger your muscle, the more prepared you will be to run. In fact if you are too long without running, it is not beneficial, then it costs more and everything hurts.


 On the other hand and as novelty in Spain, we will soon have some kneepads very special that they help to strengthen the musculature while you do normal life or while you train. Without a doubt, they will be a revolution since they open a world of possibilities.


Lots of encouragement and do not throw in the towel !!


David Serra    


If you have any questions for David Serra Physiotherapist, contact us through the Contact Form

More information: at http://www.fisiocerdanyola.com/

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