Triconsejos by Llibert Fortuny, the right hand of Miquel Blanchart
In this year's edition of Ecotrimad, we were lucky to meet the right hand of the winner of the test Miquel Blanchart, Llibet Fortuny. This triathlete and music professional, trains daily with him, being an inestimable help so that Miquel can achieve his goals, which has been demonstrated by the excellent progression he has achieved in the last two years.
First Name Llibert Fortuny i Cendra
Club: SBR
Collaborators: zerod, compressport, GU
Most representative results:
3o Long Distance Spain Championships age group 30-34
3 tips to train better:
- Water: I think there are many people who do not pay attention to the importance that swimming has in triathlon especially if you do long, I think it is important to vary the series according to the time of the season as well as the volume
- Cycling: I am particularly helped by the strength series, especially uphill, I am not a very climber and it helps me gain confidence. for example ten minutes, several repetitions.
- Race on foot: In my case, in the long run and I personally, being a very slow tractor, I really like working real race rhythms with long series. Series of 20 ′ or 30 ′ at race pace. It also helps me to get to know myself and also manage the diet, etc ...
3 things you should never forget to take the day of the test
- Water: Vaseline for the neck.
- Cycling: Pressure of the tires depending on the characteristics of the Circuit.
- Race on foot: Visor
3 things you should not forget to do during the competition
- Water: Warm up the mobility in general, neck, arms, etc. very well before water, many times with our nerves we miscalculate.
- Cycling: Eat and drink in small portions every 20 ′
- Running on foot: For me it is essential to know my rhythm and not go too clever on the day of the race, dose
3 tips that always have to be done at the end of the competition
I should apply them!
1.- take protein
2.- continue with hydration
3.- Stretching or mobility.
Tell us a curious anecdote that happened to you
1.- With the balloons that I always lose something, the glasses the gps etc ... my great misfortune
Objectives 2012
Half challenge Maresme, World vitoria age groups, and Challenge Barcelona