Volcano Triathlon

Triconsejos by Natalia Raña

We continue with the Triconsejos section, where some of the best triathletes will give us triathlon tips. This time it's Natalia Raña's turn.






Club: Imps from Rivas

Networks (FB): http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1634717757



Most representative results:

-8ª European Championship Sub-23 2002 (Antalya-Turkey)

-3ª ITU-EVENT Azores. 2004

-8ª 2004 University World Championship Palma Mallorca.

-1ª Championship of Spain University of Triathlon. 2004

-2ª Championship of Spain of Acuatlón. Ferrol 2005

-14ª Cross Triathlon World Championship. The ring. Cáceres 2011

-1ª Duathlon Community of Madrid Championship. 2011

-2ª Championship of Spain by Autonomous Selections. Águilas (Murcia) 2011

-3ª Duathlon Spain Championship. Soria 2011

-2ª Galician Country Cross Country Championship. Rivadavia 2011.



3 tips to train better:

- Water: A good technique is essential. Without it, no matter how much you swim, we can become stagnant. Try to find someone who can help us in this regard, even once a week.

-Cycling: Whenever we can in a "grupeta" The training is more fun and the kilometers fall alone.

-Race on foot: To me last season it has worked very well for me to perform athlete training: multi-jumps, short and steep slopes, short series (I rarely did longer series of 800m) In the long shootings I made rhythm changes similar to the 1000 series. 3000m.


3 things you should never forget to take the day of the test

-Water: Comfortable and protected glasses, neoprene (even if it's summer)

-Cycling: Sneakers and helmet.

-Race on foot: Sneakers.


3 things you should not forget to do during the competition

- Water: See the placement of the buoys and know a bit how the currents go if it is a river / beach.
- Cycling: Take a clear reference of where it is placed in the box.
- Race on foot: Go out without fear of the transition but always keeping a little point so as not to explode. We get off the bike activated, if we have training we can hold the strong pace from the beginning.

3 tips that always have to be done at the end of the competition


- Put on something warm, remove sweaty clothes and if I can with wet wipes I clean sweat.

-Hidratarse and eat something.

-Enjoy the atmosphere at the end of the test ... (We will stretch the next day, the muscle is very sensitive to perform some very demanding stretches at the end of the competition)

2012 objectives:

-Retrieve me from my Achilles Tendon injury and then enjoy the races in which I participate.

You can follow Natalia in: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1634717757


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