Volcano Triathlon

Do you want to know how is a training day with the Spanish Long Distance Duathlon Champion?

 We interviewed Raúl Amatriain. Raúl Amatriain is presented today as one of the best medium and long distance triathletes.


Despite the fact that its 2013 season was not positive enough in results for its potential, the 2014 has started on a very good footing, proclaiming itself only two weeks ago Champion of Spain of Long Distance Duathlon.



Raúl combines his life as an Elite triathlete with his work, which is why Gorka, his coach, has to measure his sessions to the millimeter to achieve the best results in the short time that Raúl can dedicate to them. the weekend when I have time to do kilometers by bike. A good Saturday can have 3 to 4 hours of cycling, including some live-speed port and then transitions from 45 min to 1 hour of race on foot with changes of pace "


Water, the weak point:


"Personally, the training that costs me the most is in the water and from now on I tell you that I do not even notice the rhythms that almost everyone in their social networks puts. One day of long series at medium rhythm in the water, for me it is the biggest torture "

"During the week is when I do load training in water, although I do not work large volumes either. For example, a session type and the last one I have done has been 1000m warming, working styles, enough feet, 3 × 200 with 3.15 + 4 × 100 with 1,40 + 8 with 50 with 50 "300 with feet 400 with 6 + 2 with 200 with 3.15 "+ 6x 100 with 1.40 then soft"


The bike, your ally for the weekend:


“By bike is where we try to put in more kilometers, although until now they have been quiet outings and with transitions, but from now on we will begin to put in the long bike outings and series on the flat as well as uphill and then I make transitions of 1h more or except in which Gorka also recommends that I work on changes of rhythm, either in farlek, or series integrated in the race. These are the workouts with the highest workload I do "


The race on foot, its best segment:


Everyone knows the great potential of Navarre triathlete in the race on foot, where it is usual to be between the two or three best partials of the segment, and that, after the interview shows "come standard".


From Triathlon News to thank this brief interview and wish Raul luck in his next challenges.


More information about Raúl: http://raultri.com/

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