5 Basic tips for swimming in open water
Swimming in open water could be considered practically as a different sport than swimming in a pool
Now that the time is coming to start swimming in open water in the competitions of triathlon Our collaborator Personal Running wanted to write this article to explain to us 5 consejos to feel more comfortable and take full advantage of the swimming in open water:
It is important to draw a good mental diagram, know the circuit well, number of buoys, swim direction, number of laps, references, etc.
Before starting to swim, you must make sure that you have all this controlled. If possible, it is convenient to jump to warm up a few minutes before to check possible currents, waves, etc. that can prevent you from plotting the desired trajectories.
It is also a good opportunity to mark possible visual references such as buildings, flags, breakwaters, etc.
It would be a mistake to jump into the water on the adventure, without knowing what you can find
Swimming in open water could practically be considered as a different sport than swimming in a pool. Weeks prior to your competition, you must have practiced in a pool the different techniques necessary to swim in open water. Among them, perhaps we could highlight: the buoy turns in both directions and on different angulations and raise the head to orient itself.
We must be able to know swim in a group and carry an intelligent strategy. Far from seeing the other swimmers as rivals, we must see them as "allies".
Unless you are a highly experienced and high level swimmer, it is essential to take advantage of the wake or the slipstream of others. To do this, there are two basic positions that will allow you to save energy noticeably in addition to going faster: swim to feet (standing right behind a swimmer, very close, looking for water in the broken water caused by his foot kick) and the swim to hip (placing yourself next to the swimmer, very close to him, with your head approximately at the height of his hip taking advantage of the wave that is generating).
Depending on the circumstances, you have to be able to master both types of swimming. Usually, if you go to please the current or taking advantage of Rebuild of another swimmer You could take a longer swim, with more slip and more relaxed.
On the other hand, if you go against the current or the waves and find yourself only at that moment, a shorter type of swimming is more appropriate and more frequent.
Depending on the competition, the water exits and entrances can be very varied. From unemployed throwing themselves head, running on the beach, from within the water while standing, from within the water floating, etc. You have to be able to master all of them, practice the days before and even in the warm-up before the competition.
In open water a good entry into the water is essential to be able to trace your own trajectory without depending on others, since you will avoid being hindered or you will receive a blow that may deconcentrate during the first meters.
More information:http://www.personalrunning.com/wp/