6 tips to get the most out of a COMPEX

With these 6 tips you can get the most out of your COMPEX and complement your training correctly

Adjust the intensity

Adjust the intensity

In physical recovery programs:

  • The greater the muscle contraction, the maximum favorable intensity
  • The greater the intensity, the greater the muscular development
  • Compex devices can reach 999

In massage program

Recovery against pain: visible but comfortable muscular jerks

In TENS program:

Tingling sensation

Placement of electrodes

Electrode Placement

Place the electrodes as indicated in the guide of your device. A not-quite-accurate position does not pose a risk to you, it would simply be somewhat less efficient.

Body Position


Body Position


In physical recovery programs: It is advisable stimulate the muscle isometrically to avoid muscle shrinkage during the contraction. Therefore it is advisable to perform a voluntary contraction of the muscles to avoid moving the limb

Combined training


Combined training


The recommended preparation period is from 4 to 6 weeks with a minimum of 3 sessions per week.

The 3 weekly sessions must be distributed during the 7 days since they must be done in those days without programmed training or in the days of low training.

Optimize your recovery


Optimize your recovery


For recovery to be optimal we must use the recovery programs during the 3 first hours after training or competition

Take care of your electrodes


Take care of your electrodes


The comfort of electrostimulation depends to a large extent on the condition of the electrodes.

  • Make sure the skin is clean, dry and free of body lotion or cream
  • Place the electrodes on the ON side of the plastic.
  • Store the electrodes inside your plastic bag in the fridge
  • Remember to change your electrodes every 20 / 30 sessions

Further information: https://es.compexstore.com/

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