Apnea, the new key to performance

The regular work of apnea in swimming pool allows you to increase hematocrit and VO levels2max.
Our collaborator Ricard Perez, you have written this interesting article to improve our VO2max through apnea.
It is not necessary that you do height training or that you use hypoxia cameras to improve your VO2max. The apnea gives you the best results working in any pool.
Most of the elite athletes, are concentrated a few weeks before the competition in high places for training. The goal of height training is to force the body to work with less oxygen and force the body to compensate for this situation by producing more red blood cells. This practice, although it is very common among front-row sportsmen, is not easy to combine throughout the year.
The regular work of apnea in a pool, regardless of the height you are at, allows you to increase hematocrit and VO levels2max.
you only have to do one apnea session per week to have an improvement of 5% -10% in just two months
Work the abdominal breathing, getting the air in the inspirations first to the abdomen, then moving the diaphragm and finally filling the lungs. The most important thing at the beginning is to work on the relaxation, practice well the breathing out of the water and once you feel comfortable working in the water.
Within the aquatic apnea, it is necessary to differentiate between static apnea and dynamic apnea. In your sessions always follow the same protocol:
- breathing exercises out of the water
- static apnea
- dynamic apnea
- mobility and stretching exercises
Inform the lifeguard of the pool that you want to do an apnea session so that you have a lane enabled and can help you controlling the time of the exercises.
Author Ricard Perez , Sports Center and Cycling and Triathlon Coach.
Website: http://www.ricardperez.com/