Volcano Triathlon
Training articles

Everything the cyclist has to know to drive on the road

We give you a series of tips to improve the safety of the cyclist on the road


From Triathlon News We want to start a series of articles where we seek to raise awareness of the danger suffered every day by cyclists that circulate in open traffic. In them we will tell you regulations, advice, etc. so that athletes and drivers know the behavior they have to have at all times.



On this occasion we publish the latest changes to the DGT regulations that concern cyclists and some tips to facilitate driving between motor vehicles and cyclists.


MODERATE SPEED: EL motor vehicle  You will have to slow down, even stopping, when approaching Bike circulating in the vicinity of bicycle-only paths and at their intersections, both inside and outside towns.


CIRCULATION IN PARALLEL. The cyclists they could circulate in parallel in the cases that are allowed by regulation (by the shoulder, without invading the road ...). In the rest, they should go in a row. Always the closest to the right of the road


PRIORITY OF THE AUTOMOBILE. Except in bicycle lanes or when the car turns to join other routes, it will take precedence over bicycles.


PRIORITY OF THE CYCLIST: The cyclists will have priority of step with respect to the motor vehicles when this one turns to the right or the left to enter another route, and when circulating the cyclists in group, the first one of them already has initiated a crossing or entered a roundabout. Priority will also be given on bike lanes or on a duly marked shoulder


REFLECTIVE CLOTHES When lighting is mandatory, cyclists should wear reflective clothing.


OBLIGATORY HELMET ON THE ROAD. On interurban roads, cyclists must drive with an approved or certified helmet, except on prolonged ascending ramps, for medical reasons or in extreme heat conditions.


ALCOHOLEMIA CONTROLS. Cyclists are prohibited from driving under the influence of alcohol, narcotics and similar substances, and are obliged to undergo screening tests. The maximum rate is 0,5


PROHIBITED BY HIGHWAYS. The prohibition for cyclists from traveling on motorways is extended to the motorways, with certain exceptions (with authorization or due to lack of alternative route) that will always be made by the shoulder. In those for which it is allowed, the corresponding signals will be installed. The minimum age is 14 years.


PRONUNCIATED DISCUSSIONS: On long descents with curves, cyclists can leave the shoulder on the side of the road they need, always on the right. Vehicles following slow-speed cyclists will be able to drive on the shoulder.


MOBILE: It is forbidden to drive and use headphones connected to receivers, players and the use of mobile phones.


MANEUVERS: It is mandatory to signal the maneuver to the other users of the road, extending the arm to shoulder height.


HOW TO NOTIFY A BRAKE: The cyclist, when faced with a situation in which he has to stop abruptly, will have to indicate it by moving the arm alternately from top to bottom with short and quick movements.


If you want to give some advice to improve road safety, do not hesitate!

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