Volcano Triathlon
Training articlesSwimming

Keys to increase your speed in swimming

If you can not improve your swim speed, try modifying your training routines with these tips.

Think of a car, having 5 speeds will be our goal to improve swimming rhythms, now we explain how to differentiate and work them.

When you start training you should swim at a comfortable pace. Listen to your breathing and watch your pulse at the end of the warm-up, if it's similar to when you do series, you've gone over intensity.

La technique you must perform it to a similar rhythm to warming or slightly higher, given that theObjective is to improve and internalize the correction of errors You must have a speed that allows you to do it.

The series, the key to your improvement. Neither are they always at the maximum nor are they always at a "cruising" pace. You must distinguish the rhythm depending on the objective and alternate the types of training to be able to improve. Some proposals:

Short series (25-100 meters).

We mainly use them to work the critical swim speed, mark a rhythm slightly superior to that of competition with short breaks.

These distances are also used to work lactate tolerance, a more than frequent occurrence that occurs in the exits of the triathlons since the swim speed up to the first buoy is high. Some examples:

  • Speed ​​superior to competition: 10 × 100 / 20 "rhythms -3seg of 750 rhythm in competition
  • Lactate tolerance: 4 × 25 / 10 "medium rhythm + 100 high rhythm

Average series (200-400 meters).

Through Datamining aerobic resistance with medium rhythms and breaks between 30 seconds and a minute and a half. This type of series allows us learn to internalize the rhythms over longer distances until getting to do it in the objective distance. For example:

  • FOR sprint distance: 3 × 250 / 30 "rhythm similar to 750 in competition
  • FOR Olympic distance: 4 × 300 / 40 "rhythm similar to 1500 in competition

Long series (from 400 meters).

Although you can use them for any distance you want to prepare, if your goal is medium or long distance, include long series will allow you not to enter the monotony of "continuous swimming" and be able to establish rhythms close to the competition. For example:

  • FOR Olympic distance: 400 / 1 "+ 800 / 2 '+ 400 / 1' pace close to 1500 in competition
  • FOR middle distance: 1000 / 2 '+ 600 / 1'30 "+ 400 / 1' pace close to competition

 Try to include new ways to train your swimming rhythms and make your workouts more dynamic, you will surely feel the difference!

Check the following link if you want to see more swimming workouts ,

 Laura García Cervantes


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