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5 tips for swimming in open water for beginners and experienced swimmers

We give you 5 tips for beginners and experienced swimmers that can help you improve this sector.

The website specialized in swimming training, swimmers.es has published an article that can come in handy for triathletes who want to face when facing the swimming sector of a triathlon.

That's why 5 has given us tips for beginners and experienced swimmers that can help you improve this sector.

Lack of experience in open waters

Practice makes perfect. Your body will be less tense and anxious on the day of the race if you have integrated swimming in open water in your workouts before the day of the test.

Beginners: When you train in open water, concentrate on the time you spend in the water, not on your pace. Do not strive to measure rhythms but to make time and meters.

Experienced swimmer: Do not forget to practice the entry to the water in a similar way to the day of the race (whether the swim crossing begins on land or from within the water), also the water outlet would be advisable to train it so as not to waste a second the rest.

Do not heat

The warm-up prepares your body physically and mentally for the race, lowers the risk of injury or illness, and prepares your body for the stress and blast of the race by increasing the circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the muscles.

Cold, stiff muscles do not respond well to rapid movement. If you can't warm up by swimming in open water on race day, do a light jog to get the blood flowing and some general movements.

Beginners: It may seem counterintuitive, but participating in lighter activities even before the test can come in handy.

Warm up in the water before the test whenever possible, and if not, try to do some arm exercises and gentle shoulder rotations for the 10-15 minutes before the race.

Experienced swimmer: Try doing a different type of warm-up or a longer, longer warm-up than in the past.

The elastic bands you can easily carry in your bag for a more vigorous heating that will surely be very beneficial to you.

Lift your head too much to look

To see properly while swimming, gently lift your head forward when you are about to breathe.

Be aware that the cost of raising your head to look causes a drop in your hips and possibly your front arm. Count the number of strokes in the pool you need to cover a length, and try to stay within that number when practicing your vision.

Don't be afraid to deviate from the path for a few seconds, normally more time is lost due to excess vision than the deviation itself.

Beginners: Practice looking at a bottle, a buoy or any other item at the end of the lane when you train in the pool.

Experienced swimmer: Reconsider your strategy and frequency of observation, and have a friend or coach record on video as you raise your head to look to verify that you do it correctly.

Swallowing water or too much air

As basic as it may seem, you should practice swimming with your mouth closed while your face is in the water.

The only time your mouth should be open is when you slowly exhale into the air before turning your head to inhale fresh air.

A side effect of swallowing water or air is an upset stomach. If you experience diarrhea, bloating, or gas during a test, pressing down hard and continuing to eat and drink can make symptoms worse.

The best strategy is to simply slow down and stay calm while waiting for symptoms to pass.

Beginners: Practice lateral kick exercises to get a more comfortable breathing on both sides. We recommend you practice bilateral breathing.

Experienced swimmer: The video recording solution in this case would also give us a lot of information about how we are breathing. If you have noticed these problems, have a friend or coach record it on video and verify that everything is correct.

swimming in the sea in a triathlon

Not feeling comfortable with the equipment

If you feel comfortable with your glasses, hat and swimsuit in the pool, it is very likely that you will feel comfortable swimming in open water.

Too tight or foggy glasses, a wetsuit that is not your size and that produces chafing can worsen an experience that already causes anxiety and there are enough elements out of your control on race day so avoid trying new equipment on race day.

Beginners: Nothing in the pool and open water at least once before the test day with the complete equipment you plan to use, if it can be at the same time as the test. It is the perfect opportunity to make last minute changes.

Experienced swimmer: More experienced swimmers rarely have a problem getting comfortable in their gear, but every now and then it can be good to try new things just to see if you've come to a standstill.

Who knows, a different style of glasses or a different brand of neoprene could be just what will make you feel more positive and confident to give you that little point you need, it's all about trying.

Further information: http://nadadores.es/


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