Volcano Triathlon
Training articles

Multitransition training for duathletes

These trainings alternate the race on foot and the cycling to accustom the musculature to the effort of the competition

The duathlons begin and your legs must be ready for the effort that this discipline supposes, so it is time to perform multitransition training.

We commonly refer to the multitransition workouts such as those in which we repeat several times at least two of the three disciplines that make up the triathlon.

Since we started with the duathlon season, these trainings they alternate the race on foot and the cycling to accustom the musculature of the lower train to the effort involved in running and pedaling consecutively.

¿Cómo hacerlo?

It is not necessary to make exactly the same distance as the duathlon, since we are going to repeat the circuit several times, therefore, you can set a circuit that is approximately 50% of the distance of each segment.

You must alternate the running segment with the cycling segment as many times as you like to complete the workout.

E.g.: Repeat 3 times without pause (3Km run + 10Km bike). The pace should be adjusted to the period of the season in which you are and your capacity.

Take advantage of this training to work transitions technically and quickly. For this, place the material as you would in competition and establish a reference that will serve as assembly and disassembly line.

And if the cold causes you laziness ...

It's okay, excuses can't stop you. Grab your slippers and your sports clothes and go to the gym, the multitransitions indoor They are your alternative.

Alternate the treadmill with the bicycle to perform a job similar to the one we have proposed, although it is not so specific as it does not have real competition conditions (slopes, turns, wind, etc.).

If you have the possibility of using a bicycle type cycle indoor or even a roller for your bike the work will be much more comfortable and efficient.

Do this type of training with relative frequency and you will notice how your resistance improves in the duathlons.

Laura García Cervantes
Laura Garcia Cervantes.
Dra. Science of Physical Activity and Sport


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