Power training for cycling in 1 hour
This is a one-hour workout that 11-time triathlete Meredith Kessler, winner of the event, did. HOMBRE DE HIERRO.
It's perfect for power training and is one of your favorite workouts.
Tips for training
It must be taken into account that the training is designed to work with% of FTP ((Functional Threshold Power), although the scale of perception of effort (RPE) has also been added
The training is divided into a warm-up, a preliminary phase, the main phase, and a cool-down phase.
What is FTP in cycling?
The FTP (Functional Threshold Power), in Spanish Functional Power Threshold refers to the maximum average power you can develop in an hour.
We explain in this article what what is FTP in cycling in detail
5 min. @ 50% FTP / RPE 4/10
Previous phase
3 X
- 3 min. @ 60-70% FTP / RPE 5-6 / 10
- 2 min. @ 75-85% FTP / RPE 7/10
- 1 min. @ 90-100% FTP / RPE 8/10
- 2 min. easy to 50% FTP / RPE 4/10
Main series:
2 x 3 min. with 90 sec. easy between each:
- # 1 @ 80% FTP / RPE 7/10
- # 2 @ 95% FTP / RPE 8/10
3 x 2 min. with 60 sec. rest between each:
- # 1 @ 80% FTP / RPE 7/10
- # 2 @ 95% FTP / RPE 8/10
- # 3 @ 100% FTP / RPE 9/10
4 x 1 min. with 45 sec. easy between each:
- # 1 @ 80% FTP / RPE 7/10
- # 2 @ 95% FTP / RPE 8/10
- # 3 @ 100% FTP / RPE 9/10
- # 4 @ 105% FTP / RPE 9-10 / 10
5 x 30 sec. with 30 sec. easy between each:
- # 1 @ 80% FTP / RPE 7/10
- # 2 @ 95% FTP / RPE 8/10
- # 3 @ 100% FTP / RPE 9/10
- # 4 @ 105% FTP / RPE 9-10 / 10
- # 5 @ 110% FTP / RPE 10/10
Everything easy should be 50% FTP / RPE 4/10
5 min. 50% FTP / RPE 4/10