Typical mistakes to avoid in a triathlon
Surely you have also seen it in others, it has even happened to you.
We summarize the most typical mistakes we see in triathlons so that you can avoid them in your next competition.
Being late to the departure chamber
You arrive with plenty of time to place all your material, but you manage to attend to so many external things (family, friends, nerves, distractions) that you finally arrive late or in a hurry to the call room.
Do not close your wetsuit
We always leave it for last so as not to overwhelm us, but be careful to take it already closed to the call room. This way you can perform various arm movements to warm up the shoulders and adapt it well to your body.
Your wetsuit gets “stuck” when you go out
A more than known trick is to use body oil or a little soapy water when you put it on, this way it will come out faster. Also avoid that it rolls up when removing it or it will be impossible.
Not finding your bike in T1
You thought you had it under control when you went to the water, but you did not notice the entrance hall and the directions to get there. Take an external reference so this doesn't happen to you.
Get on / off the bike ahead of time
Make sure you know the location of the bike assembly and disassembly line before starting the competition.
Don't put on your shoes quickly
We know that cycling and triathlon shoes for bikes are different and their opening is what allows you to put your foot quickly. Leave them open so you don't have problems
Go for a run with a helmet on
Being able to make a perfect transition in situations of stress and fatigue takes a lot of practice, so you should automate your steps so that this does not happen to you.
Using shoelaces
In triathlon, the laces are elastic to facilitate the entry of the foot, as well as to prevent the laces from unraveling in the race. Make sure you have them tight for a quick T2.
Get lost in the tour
You cannot assume that the staff or the instructions will guide you at all times, it is preferable that before your competition you make sure you know the route.
Do not count the laps
You will not be the first or the last to end up losing positions for doing extra kilometers. If you want to avoid it, count your running laps and make sure you know where the finish line is!