Injuries from doing too much sport?
Specialists say that doing sports is good for health, so why do athletes get injured? When does physical exercise stop being healthy and become harmful?
Our collaborator in Sports Nutrition Victory Endurance, through Alberto Cebollada, tells us what we can do to avoid getting injured when practicing a lot of sport.
What are the most frequent injuries for practicing "too much" sport? And what is more important, what can we do to avoid getting injured?
In this article Alberto will try to guide you in the recommended action guidelines to prevent the appearance of the usual injuries in the three sports that make up the triathlon: swimming, cycling and running.
The main causes that produce them will be analyzed and the most frequently repeated injuries will be assessed, offering a proposal for action focused on preventing their occurrence, this is prioritizing a preventive approach.
As a multisport player, Alberto is clear that sports practice itself carries a risk of injury and that no matter how small it may be, it causes discomfort to the sufferer in the first place, altering the normal development of training plans and on many occasions having a negative influence in the life of the athlete.
For all the recovery of an injury is a slow process before which we are never prepared, because the patience or the recommendation to "keep rest" does not go with us, or nobody has taught us to handle the destructive emotions that invade us when we We are forced to stop by an injury.
But in addition to the cost at a sports level that injuring oneself has when quickly losing the improvements obtained during long periods of training, we have to add the economic cost of visits to the specialist, physiotherapy sessions, anti-inflammatories ..., that's when we begin to believe that prevention is actually more profitable than cure.
To achieve preventive efficacy it is not enough to carry out one of the guidelines or advice that I give, and ignore the rest, in fact there are probably more than those I mention, but the important and sensible thing is to approach them from a general preventive intervention model to way of acting of the back schools of the hospitals. In my opinion, there should also be “knee” or “shoulder” schools in which multidisciplinary guidelines, advice and practical actions will be taught in which traumatologists, rehabilitators, physiotherapists, physical education teachers, sports instructors and even psychotherapists who help in the rehabilitation of injuries, but that could also guide the advice to prevent them.
I also consider that one of the key pieces of the success in the recovery of an injury and in the effort to avoid it is the cognitive-behavioral treatment. The learning of psychological strategies to control the emotions, to listen to the body, to know our potentials and weaknesses and to "take the injuries in the best possible way". The athletes have never taught us to be injured and I think it is important to also take into account the mood and personality of the athlete as they have a great influence when it comes to suffering and preventing injuries.
If we are injured we should try to analyze the causes that have caused it and use all the methods that help us to fully recover and work so that they do not happen again, practicing those exercises that have proven to be beneficial, avoiding the harmful or contraindicated ones and not never let your guard down at the risk of re-injury.
Having a positive attitude and assessing sports injuries with a broad and multifactorial approach will help us to live with injuries, to better manage pain and stress, to relativize and even enjoy the “other” activities that can be done while injured. Learning to prevent and taking into consideration the greatest number of factors that can favor them, we will learn, among other things, the importance of taking care of our joints and muscles, of pampering the injured area, of applying postural hygiene in each and every one of the movements and of treating good to our body that it has to last us a long time and if possible in the best conditions. For those of us who compete and already have a few years, prevention becomes more important and will help us to continue doing sports for many years and with the best possible benefits.
I always defend that the one who should assess the injury and give it the appropriate treatment is the specialist doctor, and that in rehabilitation the figure of the physiotherapist is of great help, but I also keep in mind that only medicine does not satisfy a high percentage of patients and For this reason I firmly believe that it is better to act in prevention than not to have to apply treatments.
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Dr. Alberto Cebollada -