Volcano Triathlon
Training articles

Half marathon training plan

If you are looking for a workout to gradually add distances and finish as the culmination of a half marathon, this is your Training plan

Hand in hand Skechers we offer you a training plan of 12 weeks so that you can go from the distance of 10Km to the half marathon.

What level do you have to have to do the training?

To be able to do the training you must have already completed 10k of competition and be able to train 4-5 days a week

What rhythms do you have to carry?

If you already have a level you can start in week 5

  • z1= very soft (heat / release)
  • z2= soft / comfortable (Ex: technique rhythm)
  • z3= medium / moderate ("it is itching but I hold on")
  • z4 = strong / intense ("I'm suffering")
  • z5= very intense / maximum (“I can't even speak”)

Sneakers Models Skechers for half marathon

The brand of slippers Skechers from a Performance line specially designed for the world of running.

Skechers has several models to run at different distances but in this article we recommend these 3 for the 21 km

Go Run Speed ​​Elite

Ideal for the day of the competition, It has a carbon fiber plate and is the shoe used by Martín Fiz or Diego García.

The Skechers GOrun Speed ​​Elite Hyper(TM) It is a high performance shoe model designed to offer a competitive advantage and win races.

This ultralight sneaker with biomechanical technology M-Strike offers a fast rotation taking into account the economy of running and also has cushioning with HYPER BURST (R) compound, a carbon fiber and a durable Goodyear (R) rubber outsole.

  • Weight: 167g (Man size 9) | 139g (Women size 7)
  • Height: 23mm - 27mm
  • DROP: 4mm

Go Run Ride 8

The versatile Skechers GOrun Ride 8 (TM) they are running shoes light, neutral and well cushioned.

Featuring a breathable mesh upper with HYPER BURST (R) cushioning midsole, M-Strike biomechanical technology that promotes midfoot stride, making every stride more efficient, and a high-performance outsole with Goodyear (R) rubber. .

  • 6mm (28mm to 34mm)
  • Weight: 238g in men's USA size 9

The HYPER BURST (R) cushioned midsole offers an ultralight experience with great energy return.

This innovative compound is created through a 'Super Critical (R)' process from a single solid piece of EVA in which compressed spherical cells are added that favor its lightness and reactivity.

Gorun RAZOR +

The Skechers GOrun Razor (TM) it's a fast shoe, versatile and lightweight for training and race day.

Featuring a breathable mesh and polyester upper, plus highly durable HYPER BURST (R) cushioning with a Goodyear (R) outsole

  • Removable footbed
  • Weight: 192g (Man size 9) | 156g (Women size 7)
  • Height: 23mm - 27mm
  • DROP: 4mm

 Half marathon training plan 12 weeks

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 BREAK 10 ′ Z2 + 30'Z3 + 10 ′ Z2 CORE 15 ′ Z2 + 8X (1 ′ Z4 + 1 ′ Z1) + 10 ′ Z2 BREAK 20 ′ Z2 + 10 slopes from 1 ′ to Z3 (2), rec down 1 ′ + 10 ′ Z2 12 km run Z2
2 BREAK 60 ′ Z2 CORE 20 Z2 + 12 4% slopes in 100m Z3 (2), rec descent) + 15 ′ Z2 BREAK 60 ′ run Z2-3 on hilly terrain 3 km Z2 + 3 km Z3 + 3X (700 km Z3 (2) + 300 m Z4, + 500 m Z2) +1 km Z3 + 1 km Z2
3 BREAK 20 ′ Z2 + 20 ′ Z3 ′ + 10X (1 ′ Z4 + 1 ′ Z2) + 5 ′ Z2 CORE 20 ′ Z2 + 2X (4x (400 z4, rec 2 ′ tote) 3 ′ trot) + 10 ′ Z2 BREAK 14 km run Z3
4 BREAK 40 ′ run Z1 BREAK 45 ′ race continues BREAK 60 ′ run on rolling terrain 10 km continuous running
5 BREAK 10 km (3 km Z2 + 3 km to Z3 + 1 km to Z4 + 2 km Z3 + 1 km pace Z5) + 1 km Z2 CORE 15 ′ run Z2 +3 x (1.500 pace Z4) rec 800 m Z2 + 15 ′ Z3 BREAK 10 ′ Z2 + 10 X (1 ′ Z4 + 1 ′ Z2) + 10 ′ Z2 13 km run Z3
6 BREAK 15′ run Z2 + 2x(7x 30” Z4 +30” Z2 ) 3′ jog) + 15′ run Z2 CORE 70 ′ run Z3, look for a slope of 300 ym and do it 3 × 5 climbs ending Z4, rec downhill) rec 30'trote) BREAK 80 ′ Z2 14km ​​run on undulating terrain, Z3-Z4 accelerates a bit on the climbs and rests on the descents
7 BREAK 15 ′ run Z 2 + find it costs 300 m 5% and do it 2 × 5 times incrementally, finishing Z4, rec down) rec 3 ′ jog) + 10 ′ run Z2  CORE 30 ′ Z2 run + 8x (3 ′ Z4 pace + 2 ′ light jog) + 30 ′ Z2 run BREAK 80 ′ on hilly terrain, Z2-3 16 miles Z3
8 BREAK 40 ′ run Z1 CORE 50 ′ run Z2 BREAK 10KM TEST
9 BREAK 10 ′ stroke Z2 + (2 ′ Z4 + 1 ′ Z2 + 3 ′ Z4 + 1:30 Z2 + 5 ′ Z4 + 2 ′ Z2 + 5 ′ Z4 + 1:30 Z2 + 2 ′ Z4 + 1 ′ Z2) + 10 ′ Career Z2 CORE 13 km (2 km Z2 + 3 km to Z3 + 2 km Z4 +1 km Z5) +1 km Z2 BREAK 20 ′ Z2 + 2X4 (800 to Z4, rec 2 ′ Z1) 3 ′ R1) + 20 ′ Z2 17 miles Z3
10 BREAK 20 ′ Z2 + 6 × 1.000, a Z4 tries all at the same time. Rec 3 ′ trot) + 20 ′ Z2 CORE 10 ′ Z2 + 10 ′ technical + 10x 200 al Z5 rec 3 ′ jog) + 10 ′ run Z2  BREAK 30′ stroke Z2 + (2x (30” Z5 + 30” Z1 + 1′ Z5 + 1′ Z1 + 2′ Z5 + 2′ Z1 + 1′ strong + 1′ Z1 + 30” Z5 + 30” Z1) 3′ Z1) + 15′ stroke Z2  3km Z2 + 3km Z3 + 9km Z4 + 1km Z5 + 1km Z2
11 BREAK 2 km Z2 + 3 km Z3 + 4 km Z4 + 3X (500 m Z5 + 500 Z2) + 1 km Z2 CORE 10 ′ run Z2 + 20 ′ Z3 + 2X ((8x 200 m rise 4-5% to Z5%, rec lap Z1) rec 3 ′ Z1) 3 + 20 ′ run Z2  BREAK 10 KM to Z4 18k Z3-Z4
12 BREAK 40 ′ run Z1 BREAK 10 ′ Z2 + 10X 1 ′ Z4, rec 1 ′ Z1) + 10 ′ Z2 BREAK REST / some light jogging with some acceleration Half marathon

 What CORE training do I have to do?

We recommend that you follow these Core trainings according to your level



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