Nap time by Felipe Gutiérrez: "Dedicated to moms"
This week Felipe dedicates the column to the triathlete moms
Mother's day is coming and how I have this space in Triathlon NewsI want to take this opportunity to remember and congratulate all mothers and especially those triathletes moms that day by day they have to do so many things.
Of course I do not want to neglect this greeting to all sports mothers, and all mothers who spend hours and hours taking care of their "children" and that are undoubtedly their best followers in whatever they do.
Surely when you started doing triathlon the best words have been from your mothers, they have taught you to be constant, to have patience, and of course to organize all your life and even your backpack when you are going to compete.
But especially and I take off the hat to those moms who besides taking care of and having their children palmitas also train each day one or two sessions to fulfill their daily training.
They get up early, maybe before taking the children to school, they have already completed a roll session or after leaving them at school and before entering their work they do the corresponding swimming session.
They have to be attentive, maybe a call from school or a pick up of the children at the end of the work is the prelude to a second training session, maybe more than one hour of racing or whatever they play.
Every time I know more practicing triathlon, fortunately the times change and they can combine their schedules as they can.
I know a few, with a child or two or more and they are "hanging" on them in how many things they do.
How hard for these MOMS TRIATLETS, my admiration and what I can always have my support.
Of course there are many sports moms of other sports, to them also my admiration.
And of course I can not leave out all our moms, those who are not triathletes, or athletes, some are still alive and others unfortunately have already left us, life is over for them, but we will always have them in our hearts.
Personally I like to "dream" with mine that left us years ago, I like in these hours of the nap remember everything he did for me and I continue without a doubt to continue "dreaming" with her. On Sunday, which is Mother's Day, I will have that very special reminder, even if I also have it on a day-to-day basis.
What memories! When they say phrase like "eat something" or "you are very skinny" and many more that you all remember.
And when you came home after leaving everything messy ... and when you did not know where you had something very urgent to bring and she found it without more and the first.
It is clear that the phrase so used of "Mother there is only one" It is the prologue of what we admire to ours, they are in the good and the bad, when we win and when we lose.
You have to enjoy them not only this Sunday, also every day of the year, that is the best tribute you can make them.
Many times we remember them when they are gone, in our naps as I said before "we dream many times with them, with an ideal world where they have to be.
Do not leave your love only for Sunday, show it every day of the year, let them go to see your triathlons and share with them your trainings, arrivals to finish, etc. ... surely they will be the ones that value you the most.
And to the breasts triathletes we support them even more if possible. Family members, friends, club members ... all this Sunday send your congratulations and during the year your admiration.
Thanks to a mother we are all here, it is worthwhile to continue dreaming of them to whom we have no other choice.
To all simply THANK YOU MOM. Do not leave for when it is not what you would like to have said when you were at your side. There is only the memory.
Surely on Sunday a tear will fall, she is still there inside you.
To finish I would like those who do not know him to read the book by Ana Casares TRIATHLETA MOM, here you can see the review
I think the words on her blog from Yolanda Santos triathlete whom I train are in a way a tribute to all of you "triathlete moms"