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Siesta time by Felipe Gutiérrez: “Bittersweet taste”

The truth is that the title does not correspond to any dish for dinner at a Chinese restaurant, nor do I like it and what is worse than that could define the first weekend of May.


Much “sour” and some “sweet” is a sensation that still comes to me today at that time of the Wednesday siesta that curiously I spend it on a plane to Palma de Mallorca, looking there for new projects such as the organization 100X100 of solidarity swimming in favor of Aspace. It's working day for that event on May 15.


100x100 solidarity trophy


Well, that, on the weekend there was everything, although the sour part predominated, as I said before.

On Friday night, some friends were assaulted, robbed in an action in the biggest style and chabacano robbery where they took everything.


Triathlon Store


Triathlon Store suffered that robbery that included bicycles, wetsuits, heart rate monitors, glasses, and surely these thieves will sell either on the Internet or in unreliable markets.

It is clear that if you buy material of dubious origin you are collaborating with this mafia that deprives everything and everyone as lately is happening with the bicycle trade. From here I encourage and support for Store Triathlon.

On Saturday and already with the "body jota" and getting fully into a test of triathlon, the so-called Popular Triathlon of Madrid was held.


Transition in Madrid triathlon


In many things I do not agree, but start with five exits in four minutes mixing federated, not federated, road bikes, mountain bikes and where everything was worth, go to wheel or not to go to wheel, girls and vice versa, it gave me a somewhat clumsy air where the business predominated "than the quality of the test and that, without forgetting the disastrous state that Casa de Campo continues to have (I already complained about other times and still do) with bumps, breaks of the asphalt, etc. ... and nothing ever happens, or almost never, because one of my triathletes put her wheel in a groove of the asphalt and ... two ribs break and its consequences and for the moment five days hospitalized.

Nothing happens seems, the objective was met, tri popular = tri with a lot of participation = a tri where a good handful of euros is collected. Someone has to pay for the European Cup and / or other debts ...

Attentions few, nothing of a gift for these "paganinis" of the popular, little or little supplies and to end the day a good afternoon of visiting the hospital to see the evolution of the injury of the triathlete. Cheer up Raquel.



Transition zone in triathlon Madrid


Some will say: "but on Sunday the European Cup was great". I do not know I think I was in another test and although it is true that the incomparable setting of the Royal Palace and its surroundings made us enjoy a memorable day and in that I give almost ten to the organizer, it also had its shadows that those who did not They moved from the finish area or saw, among which included the President and some of his cohorts who only walked past the Royal Palace.



Real Madrid Palace


When I arrived at the Casa de Campo, at the T1 to see the swim I got a feeling that the area was quite neglected, it seemed that it did not matter since the "circus" was around the Royal Palace.

There were five refugee-camp tents in the transition zone, the bicycle racks and the long carpet to reach the water. Little dress was the "stage", although it did not matter ... the authorities both federal and political there would not go down, they are in the target area, there was cool to be, for they are authorities ".

We saw at the beginning of the morning a bit of lack of control, although the two qualifying tests in sprint distance served to make a "shooting" to the exits of the European Cup. For that they are the opening act.

And so it was, exits and look for the surroundings of the Royal Palace, where there was really expectation to see the triathletes: Anyway I think the largest number of spectators were Japanese who found the show and as it is traditional for them they photographed everything with the anxiety of these tourists.

Anecdotes many but the most commented without a doubt was when the legendary Ivan Raña went out running barefoot.



Ivan Rana Barefoot Europe Cup Madrid


I do not criticize if it is right or wrong, I had never seen him in a World Cup / Europe run like that. I think your decision is fine, even if I was personally surprised, I never criticized that decision, and I am sure that it has opened the spigot to see some popular triathletes running barefoot in the future. The show begins.

My mother! What can be written on a flight, although I am about to land, just remind the organizers of the tests that the next June 26 will be looking for another date to set up their test, since the politicians have placed some or better said other elections.

There are still a few minutes of flight, I think it is a good time to continue my nap on Wednesdays.

Felipe Gutiérrez

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