Near 1200 duathletes will participate in the Duathlon Spain Championship, which is held on 5 and 6 days in April

The Councilor for Sports of the City Council of Avilés, Ana Hevia, and the Director General of Sports, José Ramón Tuero, presented this afternoon at a press conference the Spanish Duathlon Championship, which will be held next weekend at the Niemeyer Center , for the first time in the city.
The president of the Triathlon Federation of the Principality of Asturias, Sharon Calderón, also participated in the press conference; the Director of Competitions of the Spanish Triathlon Federation, Jorge García, and the composer of the song composed for the Spanish Federation, Juan Luis Suárez of the "Dream of Morfeo".
The competition, organized by the Spanish and Asturian Triathlon federations in collaboration with the Directorate General of Sports and the Municipal Sports Foundation, will take place on Saturday 5 and on Sunday 6 in the surroundings of the Niemeyer Center, where the exit, goal and transition. The race on foot as the cycling test for the ride of the Ría.
The high rate of registration (which is open until Sunday) makes the organization estimate to reach the 1.200 athletes, whose participation will be divided into 7 different categories: Cadet, Junior, Sub-23, Elite, Paralympic, Age Aged Groups Sprint, Short Distance Age Groups.
The program of the competition is as follows:
Saturday 5 of abril
Spanish Championship Duathlon Cadet, Paralympic Duathlon, Sprint Distance Age Groups and Age Groups Short Distance:
- 14:00 p.m. Male Cadet Exit
- 14:02 h. Female Cadet Exit
- 15:00 h. Paratriathlon output
- 15:45 p.m. Departure GGEE Distance Sprint
- 17:30 h. GGEE Short Distance Output
Sunday April 6
Spanish Duathlon Elite Championship, Sub23 and Junior:
- 09:00 h. Junior Male Start
- 09:02 h. Junior Women's Start
- 10:30 a.m. Elite Female Departure
- 12:00 h. Male Elite Exit
As a significant novelty, the Spanish Triathlon Federation will present its song LIFE in Avilés, with Juan Luis Suárez (member of the "Dream of Morpheus" and collaborator of the test). It will be staged on the Saturday before the awards ceremony of the first day. And it will have its continuation with a small concert after the completion of it.
Recruitment of volunteers
Since the organization of the event and from the Municipal Sports Foundation is still calling on all interested people to become volunteers of the Duathlon Spain Championship, given that without this group, a Championship of these characteristics would not be possible.
The areas in which volunteers will carry out their work will be: access, information to spectators, protocol, recovery zone, routes, refreshments and assistance to athletes with disabilities. Precisely the Association of Physically Handicapped Avilés y Comarca (DIFAC) has committed to provide volunteers for the areas of secretary and wardrobe.
All interested persons can write to [email protected], from where all the information will be provided.