The Spanish triathlon celebrates its XXV anniversary

The Spanish triathlon is in luck, as the Spanish Triathlon Federation will celebrate its twenty-ninth anniversary throughout this 2014.
The month of January of 1989 marked a before and after in the development of the national triathlon. A year full of history for our sport, since it supposed the beginning of an adventure for the Spanish triathlon, with the formalization of the first national license. Since then, the triathlon has been advancing, leaving us unforgettable memories, indelible moments of these twenty-five years in which we have lived the evolution of our sport.
The president of the FETRI, José Hidalgo, has highlighted "The enormous progression that triathlon has had in Spain over these twenty-five years. We have evolved at all levels: increasing the number of licenses, increasing the number of national and international competitions that have been held in our country, all this together with the numerous sporting successes that our triathletes have and are winning on the international scene ". Even so, Hidalgo wanted to emphasize that "Beyond the figures, the important thing is the development of our sport, the scope it is having in all areas of society. Today is a sport known to all, with a great push and an even more promising future ".
Finally, the president of the FETRI, wanted to set the guidelines to follow, the role that the Federation will play, "From the Spanish Federation of Triathlon we are very clear that our mission is to continue with this line of work, offering innovative projects, better competitions to our athletes, and above all walking together with all our triathletes; continuing with this journey that some intrepid ones started twenty-five years ago, in order to continue growing and improving all together ".
In the coming months various events will be held to commemorate these twenty-five years of activity. Events that seek to pay homage and value all those who have contributed their efforts, vision of the future, collaboration and work to the development of our sport. Among these events, and through a photographic exhibition we will make a tour of our history, reviewing events and recovering the figure of all those who have put their grain of sand, boosting our sport to the highest levels from their respective plots (triathletes, technicians, officials, organizers, institutional representatives, collaborators, etc.) and thereby contributing to the construction of what we are today.
In turn, and as a final culmination to all these events, the 20 in September will celebrate a gala at the headquarters of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), which will bring together all those who have accompanied us in this journey. At the same time, the attendance of representatives of the great Spanish sports institutions such as Alejandro Blanco (president of the COE), Miguel Cardenal (president of the Superior Council of Sports), as well as the top representatives of the international triathlon, with Marisol is also planned. Married (president of the International Triathlon Union and member of the International Olympic Committee) at the head, along with Renato Bertrandi (president of the European Triathlon Union).