Volcano Triathlon

A triathlete dies in Challenge Barcelona

The management of Challenge Barcelona, ​​the City Council of Calella and the Spanish Triathlon Federation reported yesterday the death of one of the participants in the test that takes place this Sunday in the Maresme region. 



In the first meters of the swim test, the triathlete has suffered a loss of consciousness, being detected by the Red Cross rescue teams that were serving in that area. They proceeded to evacuate them to land, where they had been treated by a cardiorespiratory arrest by the medical services of the organization (3 doctors and 2 DUE), which later received the support of a mobile UVI of the Medical Emergency System displaced to the place.


The medical services have certified the death of the triathlete after practicing the corresponding maneuvers of advanced resuscitation, without success.


The management of Challenge Barcelona - Maresme has supported the family at all times and has put at their disposal all the necessary means to overcome this situation. For its part, the Mayor of Calella, Montserrat Candini, has reported what happened to the British Consulate that has been made available to the family.


Challenge Barcelona - Maresme, the City Council of Calella and the Spanish Triathlon Federation express their deepest sympathy to the family and show their gratitude to the emergency services for their professionalism. 



From Triathlon News we give our most sense to the family, friends, and organization of the event

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