Gomez Noya: "The rain can turn the route into a lottery"
The route of the London Games, which runs through the vicinity of the mythical Hyde Park, does not have the harshness that Javier Gómez Noya would have liked, but the triathlete from Ferrol flees from excuses. Of course, he asks to avoid the rain that will probably wet the route.
- Worried about the possibility that it might rain?
- Although physically the rain would benefit me, because I perform better than with a climate like Beijing, I think it would not be good if the route was humid. It can become a lottery. Water introduces a random factor that makes everything uncontrollable. You fall and you are out. But I am aware that you have to be prepared for what may happen.
- Is this your last Olympic opportunity?
-I think I have gas left to get to Rio. Another thing is that I do not know if I want to continue in the Olympic distance or devote myself to other things. Now I must take this opportunity.
the voice of Galicia