Volcano Triathlon

List of Autonomous Triathlon Federations

To facilitate our readers the process of requesting the federation license of triathlon for the 2013 season, we leave the list of all the regional triathlon federations so that you can consult the information directly from the federation.



Autonomous triathlon federations in Spain


Federation President Address Web
Andalusian Federation

Jose Mª Merchán

Stadium of the Cartuja, Pta. F Galería - Mod. 8, Sevilla


Aragonese Federation Rodrígo Gómez Yagüe de Salas Street, 16, 6º · 44001, Teruel www.triatlonaragon.org
Asturian Federation Sharon Calderon C / Dindurra, 20 - 1º, 33202 Gijón - Asturias www.fatriatlon.org
Balearic Federation Jaume Lluis Martí Palma Arena Avda. Uruguay, s / n, 7010, Palma de Mallorca www.fetrib.com
Canarian Federation Juan Carlos Serrano C / Leon y Castillo, 26 - 28 3ª 35004, Las Palmas


Cantabrian Federation Federico Campuzano C / Fernandez Vallejo, 31 B2 Iz 39300, Torrelavega www.fetricantabria.com
Federation of Castilla y León Amancio del Castillo C / San José de Calasanz, 40 local 47013, Valladolid  www.triatloncastillayleon.com
Federation of Castilla la Mancha Mª Teresa Gómez Hervás C / Needle, 12 Bj. Iz. 02006, Albacete www.triatlonclm.org
Catalan Federation Jesús Luis Andreu Rambla Guipúscoa, 23 - 25, 2on-D, 08018 Barcelona  www.triatlo.org
Federation of Ceuta Jorge Ruiz León Inst. Ceutí de Deportes Pl. Rafael Gibert, s / n, 51001, Ceuta www.fetriceuta.org
Extremadura Federation Juan de Dios Fernández C / López de Ayala, 21 | 06200 Almendralejo (Badajoz) www.triatlonextremadura.com
Galician Federation Luis Piña Refojos R / Castelao, 21 entlo 2, 27001, Lugo www.fegatri.org
Madrid Federation Lorenzo Bernal Av. Salas de los Infantes, 1 2ª Des. 1, 28034, Madrid www.triatlonmadrid.org.es
Federation of Melilla Jose Ismael Paya Mallorca, 8- 1º A, 52006, Melilla www.melillatriatlon.es
Murcian Federation Diego Calvo Av. Del Mar, 10, 30880, Águilas, Murcia www.trimurcia.org
Navarra Federation Enrique Hernández C / Paulino Caballero, 13, 31002, Pamplona www.navarratriatlon.com
Valencian Federation Rafael Redondo C / Avellanas, 12 2LC D3, 46003, Valencia www.triatlocv.es
Basque Federation Agustín Méndez Walk of Anoeta nº 5 20014-Donostia www.triatloi.org
Rioja Delegation Mikel Juarez PO Box 114, 26080 Logroño  www.delegacionriojanadetriatlon.es


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