The Monesgrosman 226 is suspended

The organization of the race has been forced to suspend the test since they have not been able to obtain the corresponding permits granted by the Civil Guard.
The first triathlon in distance “ironman"The story of Aragon will not see the light of day, as the Civil Guard traffic department deems it appropriate not to grant the corresponding permits for the test to be carried out.
As in all competitions previously organized by Monegrosman Triathlon, we have managed the permits for the use of the road through the procedure that marks the DGA, complying with everything that has been asked, although, despite the obligation that has the administration to notify with 10 days in advance of the test the verdict of the permissions, this notification, as many other times before, did not arrive, unfortunately a normal fact, which we did not give importance assuming that this silence was due to the normal course of its processing and its pertinent approval, as in previous occasions.
We were summoned by the Civil Guard to a meeting to review the safety measures of the cycling route, just as the previous tests have been done, with the surprise that at the aforementioned meeting, held on Thursday 26 at the Sariñena City Council, we were asked to impossibility of carrying out the test by applying current traffic legislation that regulates sports competitions.
Later and always with the collaboration of the Civil Guard of Traffic, we met on Friday 27 in Civil Guard offices, and today Monday 30 in the Traffic Headquarters of Huesca, where we searched for the way to perform the test so that apply the regulations in this regard and without causing serious problems to the roads.
After the three meetings, seen the routes, the affections to the roads, the traffic restrictions, the possible alternative routes, the possible time slots for its celebration, changes of date and all kinds of solutions, the final result is that we do not have the approval of traffic to be able to carry out the test, that although they summon us to work together to take the test forward in September, it is a possibility that we do not contemplate from Monegrosman Triathlon, so we are obliged to suspend the test .
In the last four years organizing tests we have never had problems to get permits, and based on that experience we have worked at the time of designing circuits, with the premise that they are attractive for the participant, but are always viable for traffic , following the trend that we have demanded from traffic in this regard. But they tell us that it is marked "a before and after" and that despite the same law that four years ago the requirements to approve the permits for the test are different and are positioned in a completely opposite to what we had been working until now. So much so that approved permits in tests organized less than two months ago, today would no longer be approved, for not adjusting to the "legality", that without changing any law we previously complied with and now do not.
The law that regulates sports competitions on public roads is specially designed for cycling (it is a suit tailored to competitions such as cycling laps, to give an example) but leaves in a legal limbo sports such as triathlon, in which It leaves the road with a disadvantage already stressed in the swimming segment, which makes it impossible to adjust to those requirements, even being competitive tests and having our own federative license, which should give us the right to practice this sport with the peculiarities of it, without " regroupings "or" neutralizations "to avoid the differences between head of race and tail, since it would violate the essence of our sport.
Leaving aside the purely technical "reasons" for which the test can not go ahead, we want to lament the negative economic impact that the suspension of the test will have in the area, since the hotel capacity had an occupancy of 100% as well as the different goods and services contracted by the organization in the locality.
There are no words of encouragement for the participants of the test, to which the return of the registration in no case will compensate, because the athlete who prepares this test spends months training and preparing for it, and that is why I skip the tears of thinking about the closest people who have been dreaming of us for almost a year, and who will not be able to fight for everything they have been training and working for so many months. Unfortunately, not only Monegrosman Triathlon's dream is broken, but that of many athletes. Honestly, I drop my face in shame for having failed each of the registered participants, and had I known that I could have caused this damage, I would never have presented any evidence, because at this time it is not worth the work done in these 4 years ago, it does not compensate the damage caused to the participants or the deep depression that it generates.
On the part of Monegrosman Triathlon we recognize that we have failed, that the damage caused is far above what we are able to tolerate, and that added to the negative economic impact and credibility for our club, we can only accept the criticisms, ask for forgiveness, and to close this chapter of four years that become a truncated dream and with which we are forced to cease the activity as organizers.
Special mention deserves all the City of Sariñena, who for a few months have lived this project with enthusiasm, something I have noticed in each of my visits to the consistory, where I have always had their support and good words, Mayor, councilors, staff labor, brigade, etc ... I am sorry for having failed them, as well as for all the groups, associations, volunteers, etc ... who had extended their hand in a disinterested way so that the test could go ahead.