Success in the official presentation of the ICAN Triathlon Circuit in Trilife
Yesterday it was held in Trilife (Shop specializing in Triathlon located at c / Principe de Vergara 115, Madrid), the official presentation of the Circuit de ICAN Triathlon with the presence of about fifty people who attended the meeting to see first-hand the news of this national circuit, with venues in Valladolid y Málaga, that this year will make the leap to the German town of Nordhausen, which is expected to be the beginning of his international career in a test that promises to give much to talk about.
Ako Pavia, Founding partner of Trilife, was in charge of opening the presentation welcoming the attendees, and then giving the floor to Sunil Bhardwaj, Director of ICAN TRIATHLON, who introduced the three venues to the attendees, defining on the one hand the circuits and services of each one, as well as the previous service with pick-up at the airport for triathletes and companions, rental service for bicycles and cars , as well as post-goal care for the athlete and family members who want to share this experience.
Once the presentation was over, there was a draw for Material among the triathletes who participated in this talk as well as registrations for the various tests.
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