Volcano Triathlon

Last 200 numbers for the Alpe d'Huez Triathlon

Duathlon, MD Triathlon and Triatlon Short are the distances in which you can compete



Only 200 numbers left to hang the complete poster. The organization of Alpe D'Huez offers a week full of activities, starting on  Saturday July 26 to finish the Thursday 31 of July, offering several events including the recognized Triathlon Alpe D'Huez which runs over the distance 2.2 km - 115 km - 22 km, as well as a Duathlon in distance 5 km - 15 km - 2.5 km and distance triathlon SHORTS 1.2 km - 30 km - 7 km plus tests for the little ones.


Further information: http://www.alpetriathlon.com/en


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