Volcano Triathlon

Victor Calvo and Eva Sánchez champions of the V Duathlon Villa de Aspe

The Domingo 11 de Noviemnre took place in Aspe la V Duathlon Villa de Aspe organized by the Triaspe Sports Club. This fifth edition, rated for the Ducrossextremme Circuit, has had the record of participation in this test so far, 198 participants.

Although the weather conditions were not the best, the race was able to take place completely normally. The circuit, consisting of a total of 27,7 kilometres divided into three sections, two on foot and one on the bike, encouraged the most curious to witness the progress of the test.

In the men's category, Victor Calvo Mira of Club Lobos Triathlon, was proclaimed duathlon champion with an 1 brand: 14: 07, while the winner in the female category was Eva Sánchez Pastor, CN Petrer Carpintería Metálica, the Villa that completed the course in a time of 1: 38: 27.

In the other categories, these were the winners: in male cadet Javier Martinez Molina, in junior category Ivan Castillo Mira, sub-23 Javier García López, in veterans I José Carlos Montesinos Belmonte, in veterans II Francisco Laveda Molina, and in veterans III Cecilio Benito Alas. In girls, María Jesús Sánchez García reached the first place in the sub-23 category, while María López Candela took the first step of the podium in the veterans category I.

The local classification was led by Ángel Luis Tora Rocamora, in the men's category, and by María del Mar Sánchez Ortuño, in the female category, both athletes of the Club Deportivo Triaspe.

By clubs, these were the teams that occupied the podium: the first place was for the Club Trielx-Anip Levante, the second place was for CN Petrer Carpintería Metálica la Villa, and the third place was occupied by the Villena Triathlon Club.


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