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Cycling news

Port of the Guadarrama Challenge

This year 2014 4 years have been met since the Madrilenian Cycling Federation opted for a Cyclotourist March that year after year is growing and is becoming a benchmark in the calendar of Cycling Championships in our country.


As the motto of this edition of 2014 says "The Ports of Madrid and you face to face"It will be a tough test with 161,9 km away and that are already words. Undoubtedly a great challenge for all participants who are encouraged to be part of this march that surely everyone likes, as has happened in past editions. It will have the organizational stamp of the Madrilenian Cycling Federation that will put all available means to make it a success both in terms of participation and organization and security.



But the hardness of this march is not only the 161,9 km ... .but the mountain passes that cyclists will have to overcome. Now you can understand the name, right? A challenge, a challenge for all and that is that cyclists are accustomed to face every day walls that seem insurmountable, great mountains and impossible routes, but there is something within ourselves that makes us raise our heads and launch ourselves to the challenge. Do you dare with the Desafío Puertos del Guadarrama?


The "hot" points of the March will be the double step through the Cerro de San Pedro, The trap (which lives up to its name), Fountain of the Collado, Puerto de la Morcuera y Port of Canencia. The hardest point of all may be the ascent from Miraflores of the Sierra de Puerto de la Morcuera as the cyclists will come from two hard climbs with some very hard ramps and will have to face an important port such as La Morcuera. This climb will be a free speed timed event where cyclists can push to the maximum in order to make time and perhaps achieve the current record held by Alfredo Sanz Clemente (26 '38') and María Medrano Elez (43 '35' ) Do you think you can overcome them?


The departure will be at the 8: 00h on Sunday 8 June at the Sports Center Colmenarejo Martín (Avenida de los Remedios) in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid) which will also host the goal where cyclists can enjoy the joy of having overcome the challenge and A deserved rest. It will be of a non-competitive nature. The control closure will be to the 16: 05h and the registration is open to all older cyclists of 17 years (completed before the 31 of December of 2014).


The price of the registration is 25 €, to which the amount of the one-day license (5 €) must be added, in the case of non-federated athletes. Entries made before the 8 in May, will benefit from a special bonus of 5 €. Until the 8 of May, the participants that wish it, will be able to acquire the commemorative jersey of the test, with an increase on the registration price of 20 €. Registration will be closed on Thursday 5 of June at 20h.


The organization of the March, which is run by the Madrilenian Cycling Federation, will provide up to three points of supply both solid and liquid located in the Fountain of Collado (Km. 60,6), Puerto de Morcuera (Km. 79,8) and Port of Canencia (Km. 126). In addition, ambulance and mobile UVI will be available during the course of the test and on a permanent basis of medical service. A mechanical assistance service provided by the neutral vehicles of the Macario - Shimano firm will also be provided.


Further information:  http://www.fmciclismo.com/fmc1/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3220&Itemid=1


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