Volcano Triathlon
Ironman News

Results of all Spaniards in Kona (Pros and GGEE)

44 Spaniards competed in the Ironman World Championship in Kona (Hawaii)

Spanish Ironman Kona 2016 Results


From www.triatlonnoticias.com We want to pay our little tribute to all the Spaniards who competed in the World Cup Hawaii Ironman. In total there were 44, four professionals and 40 age groups.

Professional Results Iornman hawaii kona 2016

As was logical, the professionals were the best, Ivan Raña finished 9º of the general with a time of 8: 21: 51 while Eneko Llanos he did it in position 27ª stopping the chronometer in 8: 42: 25 in what was the 8ª time that the vitoriano crossed the line of goal in Kona (of 11 participations). In the women's competition Saleta Castro y Gurutze Frades They made history in the Spanish triathlon, for the first time there were two professional finishers of the most important triathlon in the world. The Galician was 32ª with 10: 17: 50 and the Basque 33ª 10: 18: 46.

GGEE Iornman hawaii kona 2016 results

As regards the age groups, we have already published an article with the three Spaniards who have been podiums, the best of all was Carlos Aznar achieving the 2ª place in 30-34 and in this same group Víctor Arroyo got the 6 position. In 25-29 there were 3 Spanish top8, Pedro Jose Andújar 4º, Kristian Quintans 7º e Iván Cáceres 8º. In 35-39 David Corredor achieved the 3ª position and in 40-44 Javier García the 9ª. As regards the girls Lucía Pérez it was the best of the Spanish age groups 8ª in 30-34, coming down from 10h30min.


Photo: Tom Pentington / Getty Images

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