Volcano Triathlon
Articles Sports equipment

Diego Velázquez bets on Max'ssystem

Next appointment: Grand Final of the World Series in London - 13 September.


triathlete Diego Velazquez, LD 2012 World Champion in TRI 3, and current Spanish Sprint Triathlon Champion as well as Duathlon in his category, after taking first place on the podium last May in the World Series held in Madrid has decided bet on the leading brand of accessories in cycling specializing in the world of Triathlon "“MAX´SSYSTEM” facing the great end of the Triathlon World Series where the next September 13 will be in London.



"Having Maxssytem accessories, makes me feel more confident at the time of the competition. For me hydration is essential, both to drink and to get wet during the test and is what I missed most in Madrid.

For the London meeting I decided to bet on Maxsssytem. I have installed two rear bottle cages on the bike as well as a front one. The Maxssystem products, in addition to the careful design, have a low weight, which we value in a very positive way the triathletes, in addition to a great resistance, I am sure that it will be a good ally"


Maxssytem bottle cage


Diego Velázquez, also has Extensions LTT S-Bends multi-adjustable on your bike for your workouts.


Once the World Series is over, and after two weeks of rest, he will leave for Italy, where he plans to participate in the "DECAIRONAMAN", An ultraresistance test that has 10 Ironman in 10 days and where Maxssystem accessories will also be available to meet your new challenge.


Further information: http://www.maxssystem.com/catalogo.php?fam=133

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