Why are yellow lenses better in sports glasses?

The glasses with yellow lenses Enliven colors by filtering blue, violet and partially green light and enhancing contrast in vision
Did you know that if you find yourself running and riding your bike outdoors on a sunny day, some sunglasses they can help you reduce the reflection and protect yourself from the sun's brightness? This probably if you know, but did you know that paradoxically, on dark days, sunglasses increase contrast and help you see better?
La visual acuity is necessary to achieve good vision in three dimensions and without that perception, it is very difficult coordinate the sense of depth, the calculation of trajectories and speeds or evaluate the distances, in your workouts and / or competition or even to drive. It is to be assumed that the consequences of this poor vision can produce faults in the braking distance, and some collisions, that is why it is very important to take into account this detail when going out to train.
There is a theory about different color filters for the lenses and the degree of absorption of the filters that we will deal with in another entry, but Today we will talk about "The why" of the yellow color in interchangeable lenses of the sports glasses.
The fact that some models of sunglasses allow to change lens easily, is very important for the athlete to be able to adapt the lens color according to the climatic circumstances of each moment.
The glasses with yellow lenses they brighten colors by filtering blue, violet and partially green light and enhancing contrast in vision. Yellow lenses are effective in low light (on very cloudy days or if you practice sports at night), since their function is increase contrast and perception.
In addition, yellow and orange, being in the center of the spectrum of visible light, increase the contrast (it is the color that we see best because it is in the center of the spectrum). Do you know now why tennis balls, reflective vests, heavy machinery ... are all yellow or orange?
On the other hand in the practice of sports it is recommended to wear sunglasses with pasta saddle because metal frames with mineral lenses (which are the frames of most non-sports glasses) pose a danger. If the frame is not specified for sports, it can cause injuries in case of falls or break if they are not strong enough.
In this link of our collaborator OPTICALLING You can find several models of sports glasses with very good features, as well as quality / price, if your sport is Triathlon: