Max'sSystem presents its new triathlon couplings
Max'sSystem benchmark and innovation in components of Cycling for triathlon presents its new short (MS-15) and long triathlon couplings (MS-21)
MS-15 is a coupling designed for triathletes competing in sprint distances y Olympic.
With a weight of 390 grs. and a price of 75 € is a great choice to improve the brands in those distances.
However Max'sSystem also think about the triathletes of medium and long distance, since it has presented the coupling MS-21 designed specifically for tests of this type.
With a weight of 418 grs. and a price of 75 € these couplings are adjustable in rotation and length for the comfort of the triathlete. But it also has some millimeter guides in the extensions. And they have lower perforations for the wiring.
These couplings are used nowadays Miquel Blanchart, Víctor del Corral, Raúl Amatriain, Mikel Elgezabal, José Almagro, Julián Sanz, Ricardo Abad, Aimar Agirresorabe and Hektor Lllanos among others.
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