Neoprene test Zone 3 Vanquish
The English brand of Neoprenos Zone3 was born in 2007 from the hand of James Lock, English elite triathlete at the University of Loughborough. The union of his knowledge of sports and research at the University has created a brand of neoprene of the highest quality.
3 Zone presents 4 models that fit perfectly for the triathlete. Below we detail the main characteristics of each one.
Neoprene Advance
The first price of the brand, is a neoprene for those who start in the triathlon. It offers great buoyancy at a good price.
This neoprene has been awarded as the best neoprene in 2013 among other 14 similar models by 220 Magazine. Emphasize that silicone has the final part of the leg to facilitate putting it on and taking it off. Ideal for Sprint and Olympic distance triathlons.
Cost: 199 € PVP
Neoprene Vision
This neoprene in difference with the previous one offers the One-piece shoulder panel, What prevents chafing, in addition to implementing silicone in hands and feet which makes it much easier to put on and take off in neoprene in a transition. Ideal for Sprint and Olympic distance triathlons.
Cost: 259 €
Neoprene Aspire
We already enter the mid-range of zone3, this neoprene already has Yamamoto fabric # 39 which greatly increases the swimmer's sensitivity, is designed for swimmers of good level or athletes who face Olympic distances / half ironman.
How much with silicone in hands and feet which makes it much easier to put on and take off in neoprene in a transition.
Cost: 349 €
Vanquish neoprene
The best quality price, it has Yamamoto fabric # 39- # 40 and is indicated for good swimmers look for sensations in the water that want to take full advantage of this neoprene.
highlights the lightness y flexibility of movements of it. He too little thickness in some areas (1,5 mm) and the great firmness of it.
Cost: 499 €
Test of the Vanquish Model
Upon receiving this model in writing, the first thing we noticed when opening the box was its light weight, it is very light compared to other wetsuits tested.
It also highlights its pleasant aesthetic is seen at first glance that is designed by an experienced swimmer, as it is intended for this type of athlete.
The fabric is everything Yamamoto # 39- # 40 reaching a thickness of 1,5 mm in the shoulder area, which guarantees great mobility, maneuverability in the water and little friction with the skin avoiding those annoying rubbing of swimming.
When we put on the neoprene we are surprised the speed that l offerssilicone parts when putting it on, since only 10 '' we had it (dry). It should be noted that the Zipper closes from bottom to top (to avoid getting the neoprene in competition), but to close it is necessary the help of a partner.
In the water we confirm all the sensations previously described, Vanquish allows a great sensitivity in the water, allowing good swimmers to take out the maximum to your technique without having to shoulder much, something that happens in other wetsuits.
Also due to its design in the neck area after 20 'swim without Vaseline we did not have any skin rubs, which says a lot about the quality of this neoprene.
Once we got out of the water we liked it a lot the ease in removing the neoprene since only in 8 seconds we had completely removed it.
We recommend this neoprene to anyone who is a good swimmer and who participates in medium and long distance triathlons as well as swimming.
Excellent value for money and it shows that it has been designed by triathlon professionals.
A good bet!