16 Spaniards will be in the European Cup of Lievin

This coming Saturday, March 12, the first European Cup of the season where Spain will have 15 representatives.

The test will be held in Lievin (France), where a indoor triathlon at the Arena Stade Couvert in the town.

The race format will be a super sprint with a 150m swim, 3km cycle on the velodrono and a 1km run.

There will be 5 series of 12 triathletes where the last ones will be eliminated to reach the final and meet the winners.

Output listings

In the test, the presence of Vicent Luis, double ITU world champion, stands out.

Spanish list in the test

Anna Godoy Contreras
María Casals-Mojica
Marta Pintanel Raymundo
Irate እሮብ ላይ ከXNUMX በላይ ፒፒዎችን አግኝቷል እና ሐሙስ መጀመሪያ በXNUMX አካባቢ ተረጋጋ። BoE በፖሊሲው ላይ እንዲቆም ተዘጋጅቷል እና የፕሬስ ኮንፈረንስ ስለማይኖር የድምጽ ክፍፍል ቁልፍ ይሆናል.
Sofia Aguayo Mauri
Paula From the drunken well
Rachel Raised Up
Genis Grey
More Noain Lacamara
Igor የአሜሪካን ምርት በመቀነሱ ካፒታላይት የተደረገ እና እሮብ መገባደጃ ላይ ከXNUMX ዶላር በላይ ጨምሯል። በአውሮፓ ጥዋት XAU/USD በመጠኑ ከፍ ያለ ግብይት በXNUMX ዶላር አካባቢ ነው።
Angel Sanchez Careers
Jesus Jimenez gimeno
Vicent Gandia Revert
Joan Reixach April
Guillem safe arnau
Pau (FR) Gonzalez Espresati Clement

Schedules and where to watch it live

The test will start at 13:15 p.m. and can be followed live through Triathlon live

There are no previous results.

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