Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Ana Burgos says goodbye with a victory in the Duathlon Spain Championship

Ana Burgos (Imps of Rivas) was proclaimed today Spanish Duathlon Champion, in the same week in which he announced his retirement.

The Madrid native achieved a very special and complicated victory in a race in which Aída Valiño (Wild Wolf Cidade de Lugo Fluvial) deserved much more. First a fall and then a breakdown in the bike deprived her of fighting for victory. In the end, the Galician was ranked fourth. In addition, it should be noted that Melina Alonso (Tríatlon Ferrol) obtained the title of champion of Spain sub 23.




As during the whole day, the wind was a protagonist of the race. The women had to fight against those bursts so strong that they made the journey much harder. The first segment of the race on foot was very tight with a group of five athletes including Melina Alonso, Eva Ledesma, and Ana Burgos. The first transition came with a short advantage over Galician Fani Domínguez and Aída Valiño.


But on the bike, Aida decided to set the pace and reached the first group and even took the lead very strongly. But it was not lucky today Galician duatleta. First she was entangled in a fall that made her lose several positions and then, when she managed to take the third place, a breakdown in the bike again took her off the podium. And he could not recover the lost time. He reached the second transition in the fourth position and quite off the hook and in the third segment (hurt by the fall and touched in the psychic aspect) he had no strength to overcome. Of course, he received all the affection of the public, which she thanked by greeting.


Meanwhile, at the head of the race, Ana Burgos was consolidating her triumph. He reached the second transition with Inma Pereiro on his heels, but in those last five kilometers he opened up the distance until he reached the finish line and could celebrate the title without anguish. The public of Pontevedra showed their affection for a sportswoman who has been in the elite for fourteen years, with an Olympic diploma and several Spanish Championships in her showcase (with the cropped today she already has seven championships in the modality).


Ana Burgos explained that she suffered a lot in this race, although she was happy: "The withdrawal is a fact, but it was a pleasure to compete here and get the title, but I can assure you that it was very hard". Ana referred to Aida: "I suffered the unspeakable, because Aida was constantly attacking the bicycle, and then had the misfortune to fall, but the truth is that it made us suffer a lot, even more than the wind".


The second position and therefore silver medal was for Immaculate Pereiro (SVC-Security) to 23 seconds of Burgos, while the bronze was for Margarita García (GE Gomila) to 1 minute and 35 seconds to the first.


To the victory of Melina Alonso in Sub23, they joined in second and third place, Angela Tejedor (Molpesa -Univest Triathlon Tea) and Anna Nogueira (CT Imps of Rivas).


In the classification of women's clubs, the champion of Spain was proclaimed Wild Wolf Cidade de Lugo Fluvial (with Aida Valiño, Eva Ledesma and Esther Rodríguez). He Imps from Rivas it was silver and ADSevilla, bronze.

Provisional results:

Female Elite

Female Sub23

Elite female clubs

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