Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Opening of inscriptions XXV TRIATHLON SPRINT CALIFAS DE HIERRO the 9 of Julio

On Saturday 24 of August, in the old town de Posadas (Córdoba) will return to dispute the legendary Triathlon Iron Caliphs, because despite the different economic and climatic difficulties, its City Council has always bet against the odds of carrying out this incredible test.



The 9 of July opened their inscriptions on XXV TRIATHLÓN CALIFAS DE HIERRO, distance Sprint, where this year the organization has placed a limit of 500 places by strict order of registration, since your villa wants to ensure the most personalized and specialized treatment to each of its participants.


In this 2013, his triathlon meets 25 years. All its inhabitants promise to give their all, as they have shown their participants year after year and proof of this are the words where everyone agrees to return, since Posadas is unique. Its inhabitants are part of the organization, and have grown from 1989 knowing this peculiar sport while many other people knew triathlon as something that had to be very strong, and nothing more. Meanwhile, the "malenos", which is the name of the inhabitants of Posadas, did not hesitate to take out their hoses, offer water to these heroes and create one of the most important triathlon clubs in Spain, the Triathlon Club Caliphs of Iron.


Another of the wonders of this edition, is that we can find the winners and winners of their 25 editions to have a very special party.


El Sprint triathlon, will have the distance of 750m of swimming, 20km of cycling and 5km of running on foot, where its protagonists will be able to enjoy the streets of the villa of Posadas as before it was a triathlon: full of people cheering, water, sponges ... and endless applause, as we say, Posadas is one of the great cribs of the triathlon not only Andalusian, but also national and international hosting a European Cup of Triathlon the 13 of September of 1989, as well as a host of championships in Spain.


Once finished the Sprint Caliphs of Iron, will begin its delivery of prizes and dinner, where it will serve to replace the caliphs, but also to dispose the calimas to face their great challenge the next morning, where to the 8h on Sunday start the exit of the II Calima Challenge to Posadas, Championship of Spain of Average Distance.


Under the distances 1,9km of swimming, 90kn of cycling and 21km of running on foot, the participants will challenge the sun and its temperature with the more than 40ºC that are foreseen to become for the second time in the history of Posadas in the II Finisher Calima.


All this in the wonderful environment of Swamp of La Breña, being its cycling on the roads of Palma del Río, Hornachuelos and Posadas, and its culminating foot race through the town of Posadas will convert those brave who dare to do the two tests in the challenging supreme of this weekend.


It will be a very affordable triathlon for the uninitiated, and also focused on promote tourism the town of Posadas and its nearest towns, seeing itself impacted thanks to our sport, the hotels and bars closest to the area.


More information and registration www.triatloncalifasdehierro.com

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