The BOE with the measures for the sport is published in Phase 3 of the de-escalation

Today the measures to be applied in the territories that advance to Phase 3 of the de-escalation have been published in the BOE
You can check it in the following link
These are some of its most important measurements
- Meetings of up to 20 people
- There will be no time slots
- It follows betting on telecommuting
- Reopen all shops with a 50% limit
- Reopen the common areas of shopping malls with a 40% limit
- Outdoor markets, half of the authorized positions
- Consumption returns in the bar counter, with safety distance
- The outdoor terraces open to 75% of its permitted capacity.
- Inside, the bars will be able to open to consume on the premises "as long as the 50% of its capacity”
- Open the common areas of hotels with a limit of 50% of the capacity
- In sports, medium character training in federated non-professional leaguess as well as the holding shows y sport activities.
- In libraries and museums, the capacity limit is 50%.
Article 31. Average training in federated non-professional leagues.
1. Athletes integrated into participating clubs in federated non-professional leagues they can make medium type workouts, consistent in the exercise of individualized tasks of a physical and technical nature, as well as in carrying out non-exhaustive tactical training aimed at the specific sport modality, in small groups of several athletes up to a maximum of twenty, maintaining the safety distances of two meters in general, and avoiding in any case, situations in which physical contact occurs.
For that, may use the facilities at their disposal, complying with the measures established by the health authorities.
2. If you chose the concentration training regimen must comply with specific measures established for this type of training by the health authorities and the Higher Sports Council.
Both if the residence service is required as well as the opening of the restaurant and cafeteria services, the measures established for this type of establishment must be complied with.
3. Training tasks will be carried out whenever possible in turns, avoiding exceeding fifty percent of the facility's capacity for athletes, in order to maintain the minimum distances necessary for the protection of the health of athletes.
4. The necessary technical personnel may attend the training sessions for the development of the same, for which you must maintain the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities.
Said technical personnel will appoint a person in charge who will report the incidents to the coordinator of the sports entity.
5. The changing rooms may be used, respecting the provisions to that effect in the general prevention and hygiene measures against COVID-19 indicated by the health authorities.
To this end, the provisions of article 6.5 will be followed.
6. To training sessions The media will not be able to attend.
7. They may be carried out technical work meetings with a maximum of twenty participants, and always keeping the corresponding safety distance and using the necessary protection measures.
For these purposes, technical work meetings are understood as those theoretical sessions related to the viewing of videos or technical talks to review aspects of a technical, tactical or sporting nature related to subsequent training sessions carried out by the coach with the athletes.
8. Training sessions there will be no auxiliary staff presentr, nor of props, reducing the personnel of the training center to the minimum number sufficient to provide the service.
9. En any case prevention and protection measures will be followed established by the health authorities.
10. Regular cleaning and disinfection of the facilities must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of article 6. Likewise, the material used by athletes will be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each training shift and at the end of the day.
11 For the use of mAtherials and gyms it will be necessary to apply adequate protection measures for athletes and technicians. In general, athletes may not share any material.
If this is not possible, any equipment or material used for tactical exercises or specific training sessions or for mechanical maintenance and of material or safety equipment, will have to be disinfected after each use.
Article 32. Holding of shows and sports activities.
The holding of shows and / or sports activities outdoors or in open or closed sports facilities, shall comply with the provisions of article 41 of Order SND 414/2020, of May 16. Article 33
Relaxation of measures rElative to the opening of outdoor sports facilities, closed and sports centers.
1. In the outdoor sports facilities referred to in article 41 of Order SND / 399/2020, of May 9, sports activities may be carried out in groups of up to twenty people, without physical contact, and as long as the fifty percent of the maximum allowed capacity.
For these purposes, the access, shift and cleaning regime established in article 41 of Order SND / 399/2020, of May 9, will apply. However, athletes may access the facilities accompanied by a person other than their coach.
2. In the sports facilities and centers referred to in article 42 of Order SND / 399/2020, of May 16, as well as in article 42 of Order SND / 414/2020, of May 16, Sports activities can be carried out in groups of up to twenty people, without physical contact and as long as the fifty percent of the capacity maximum allowed.
For these purposes, the access, shift and cleaning regime established in article 42 of Order SND / 399/2020, of May 9, and in article 42 of Order SND / 414/2020, of 16 will apply. of May.
However, athletes can access the facilities accompanied by a person other than their coach.
3. Whenever possible, during the practice of the sporting activity referred to in this article, a two meter safety distance.
4. It will not be necessary to make an appointment for carrying out sports activities in the facilities and centers referred to in this article.
5. The use of changing rooms and shower areas is allowed. To this end, the provisions of article 6.5 will be followed.
Article 47. Active tourism and sports, cultural and recreational activities in nature.
1. They can be made active and nature tourism activities for groups of up to ten people, by companies registered as active tourism companies in the corresponding competent administration, under the conditions provided in the following sections.
These activities will be arranged, preferably, by appointment. Likewise, in natural spaces located in the province or territorial unit of reference, Those sports, cultural or recreational activities that are regulated in this order may be carried out, the practice of said activities must be subject to the provisions of article 7.2.
2. Active tourism activities may not be carried out in establishments or premises for this activity, the common areas of which must remain closed to the public, except those corresponding to the reception area and, where appropriate, toilets and changing rooms, which must have soap disinfectant for hand washing and / or hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health.
3. The use of the toilets by clients will comply with the provisions of article 6.5.
4. The activities will guarantee the two-person interpersonal safety distance. When the safety distance cannot be maintained, protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk should be used.
The equipment necessary to facilitate the activity will be disinfected according to the hygienic-sanitary measures established after each use by the client.
The competent authorities may adopt restrictive measures in access to natural areas of their competence, particularly in protected natural areas, when they consider that there is risk of crowding.
These measures will include, among others, the control of the capacity of the car parks, the rest areas and the interpretation centers, as well as the paths and access points, in addition to the strengthening of vigilance in matters of protection of the natural environment. "
Once. A new sixth additional provision is introduced with the following wording:
"Sixth additional provision. Others additional flexibility measures in the field of sports activity.
The provisions of articles 40, 41 and 43 of Order SND / 414/2020 of May 16 will apply in this phase. "
Four. Section 4 of article 42 is amended, which is worded as follows:
"4. In indoor sports facilities, may allow individual sports practice or those practices that can be developed by a maximum of two people in the case of modalities thus practiced, with the exception of the modalities practiced in pairs, always without physical contact, maintaining the appropriate security and protection measures, and in any case the social security distance of two meters.
Likewise, the thirty percent capacity limit capacity for sports use in each facility, both in terms of access and during the practice itself, enabling a saccess system that avoids the accumulation of people and that complies with safety and health protection measures. "
Five. Section 4 of article 43 is amended, which is worded as follows:
"4. In thes swimming pools individual sports may be allowedwhat practices that can be developed by a maximum of two people in the case of modalities thus practiced, always without physical contact, maintaining the appropriate security and protection measures, and in any case the safety distance of two meters.
When the pool is divided by training lanes, an access and control system will be enabled to avoid the accumulation of people and that it complies with sanitary security and protection measures.
In any case, the limit of thirty percent of capacity for sports use in each pool will be respected, both regarding access and during the practice itself. "
The complete BOE: