Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

This weekend is the Triathlon Cabo de Gata Níjar

This Sunday, October 20, at 9 in the morning, one of the most anticipated sporting events of the year will begin in the Nijar town of San José. calendar national triathlon, in its middle distance and Olympic modality, the Mid Distance Triathlon Cabo de Gata Nijar. This year, in addition, it includes the possibility of participating also in the Olympic distance without drafting (1,5km - 40km - 10km).



At the heart of parque natural About 500 athletes will meet to face the challenge of traveling, in the medium distance modality, 1,9 km of swimming in the waters of San José, then they will have to cover a round trip circuit of 80 km in total for the Sierra de Gata to the town of Aguarmarga, to finish running 21 km on foot through the emblematic coves of Genoveses and Mónsul.


Taking into account the list of entries, a highly contested Triathlon is planned, as this year among the favorites to win the race, in addition to local specialists such as Rafa Lao and David Zamora, will be attended by the national elite of the discipline, like Juan Salvador Díaz (winner of the first edition), Diego Paredes y Álvaro Velázquez (top 10 and 11 respectively in the Ironman 70.3 of Lanzarote 2013), Samer Ali, Paquillo Fernández (International Triathletes), the Andalusians Antonio Aguilar o Victoriano Raso, or the Murcian Ramón García and Juan Bastida (2º and 3º in the last edition), or Alejandro Valverde (6º in the LD Spain Championship), to mention some examples.


In the female category, there will be the presence of Elena Aguilar (winner of the test last year), in addition to the local Elia Roda and other MD specialists such as Amelia Torrego, ..


On Saturday afternoon in the multipurpose room of San Jose, a talk will be held with some of the aforementioned triathletes, where they will tell the rest of the participants their experiences and knowledge to be successful in the medium distance discipline. Also, a technical meeting (19: 00h) will be held where all the participants will be explained the most important details and keys of the test.


All the information referred to the event can be consulted on the web www.triatloncabodegatanijar.com

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