Volcano Triathlon

Candidature of Javier Gómez Noya to the Prince of Asturias Awards for Sports

La Federation Galician of Triathlon (FEGATRI) leads the presentation of the candidacy of Javier Gómez Noya Prince of Asturias Awards for Sports this year.

After in 2010. , due to the rush due to the change in the government of the Xunta, the candidacy of the triathlete from Ferrol only presented his sporting merits achieved so far. Before winning his second world championship, Gómez Noya was already one of the 18 finalists among names such as the mountaineer Edurne Pasabán, the Ethiopian athlete Haile Gebreselassie or the winners, the Spanish Soccer Team.

In the 2011 proposal, the FEGATRI will also include all the conditions that make Javier Gómez Noya a sports figure who meets all the requirements of the Prince of Asturias.

Source: http://www.cope.es

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