Marisol Casado, President of the ITU, thanks Jose Hidalgo for his work Federativa
After several years as General Secretary of the Spanish Triathlon Federation working hand in hand with Jose Hidalgo, current President of the Spanish Triathlon Federation, Marisol Casado gradually assumed various positions of maximum responsibility until today, being President of the International Triathlon Federation (ITU) as well as a member of the CIO. With this letter of support, Marisol Casado wants to thank José Hidalgo for his excellent work during his career as the top leader of the FETRI
Dear Jose:
Christmas, New Year's Eve, time for evaluations, thanks and congratulations. This 2012 in a special way because we have celebrated the Olympic Games, Olympic Games that will be part of the Spanish Triathlon Federation for being the first time that our athletes obtain a medal, which has been well deserved and how hard they have all worked from Sydney 2000, therefore, the first congratulations to Javier Gómez, and with him all the other Spanish triathletes who make those of us who have the privilege of cheering them feel so proud outside of our beloved Spain. Of course, my congratulations to the entire team that surrounds all of our stars.
My deepest thanks to the Spanish Triathlon Federation: I am sure I am not mistaken if I do so on behalf of the International Triathlon Union; We are all very grateful for the involvement of the Spanish Federation, from the unconditional support they have given, give and will give to me, strengthening my leadership at the head of the Institution, to the strong contribution it makes in the organization of European and World events, but without forgetting that, sometimes directly and sometimes simply being an example for the others, the training programs for judges and officials and those for coaches are a clear benefit for the entire “ITU”; We are also very grateful for the support that Alicia García receives as part of the ETU executive, she, on behalf of the Spanish Federation, has been a key piece for the European Institution to maintain the status it deserves within the world organization.
Jose, leading an organization from the bottom up like you have done since 1997 is not an easy task, we all know that. What everyone may not know is that it can only be achieved with strong teamwork, with full confidence in the people who professionally help you to carry out what is decided in other sectors; This has been, is and should continue to be your task to differentiate these classes; The key, as you well know, is for each one to do the work entrusted.
Even at the risk of repeating myself, I take the opportunity to once again declare that the National Federations are the key and fundamental piece not only of the International Federations, but of the Olympic Movement. Without a National Federation that knows how to use its tangible and intangible resources, there is no progress for sport - and of course for athletes - in the country. In Spain, even despite the cuts, we have all the ingredients to continue being at the forefront of the World Triathlon, of course the athletes, but not only the athletes, the organization of events, the training of coaches, the training of Technicians, the promotion of Paratriathlon, Duathlon, Cross ... we are leaders in everything ... THANK YOU JOSE for having known how to lead in terms of evolution throughout all these years. THANKS of course, in what you, at the head of Hispaniola, have meant in my career at the head of the ITU. Thank you, and I repeat not only on my behalf, but on behalf of the ITU for the formidable contribution of Fetri to the ITU.
Marisol Casado; ITU President, IOC Member.