Triathlon water circuit, 2 tests remain
After the success, during the celebration of Ecotrimad, from the first test of triathlon water circuit Canal de Isabel II Gestión In the Risoequillo reservoir the last 9 of June, which had more than 700 participants, two other tests will be held in the Community of Madrid in the reservoirs of El Atazar y Valmayor The inscriptions to each of the triathlons will be limited to 300 participants
The organizers of the renowned medium distance triathlon "Ecotrimad" and the Club Deportivo Canal launch this initiative whose objective is the promotion of triathlon and sport in the Community of Madrid, as well as publicizing the nautical areas and the service vocation of the Canal of Isabel II Management to all the people of Madrid.
The first competition was held at the 9 in June in the recreational area of Riosequillo, in Buitrago de Lozoya with more than 700 participants. The July 7 will be held the second circuit test in the El Atazar reservoir, in Cervera de Buitrago, will have a limit of 200 places for federated triathletes and 100 for non-federated triathletes. In this second competition the section of bike It will be carried out with a mountain bike, the federated event being the Madrid Cross Triathlon Championship, and an aquathlon for children will also be held.
The final test will be held at the 21 in July in the recreational area of Valmayor, in the municipality of Valdemorillo. On this occasion the federated and popular sprint triathlon format will be maintained, returning to the road bike, not being able to hold a test for infants for logistical reasons.
The three tests will be punctuated for a ranking that will establish the winners of the I Triathlon Water Circuit Canal de Isabel II Management, for which there will be cash prizes. For more information and registration: