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Recognize the circuit of the Spanish Duathlon Championship in a virtual way

The FETRI launches with the national Duathlon of Avilés the virtual recognitions of circuits of championships of Spain

The Spanish Triathlon Federation will premiere next Monday, April 5 from 20:30 p.m. the program of virtual recognitions of circuits of the Spanish championships this season

It will do so with a tour of the cycling route of the Spanish Duathlon Championship of Avilés that can be done with real sensations on smart rollers connected with the application Bkool Cycling,

The triathletes David Huertas and Javier Rodríguez will comment on the route, which the participants will visualize as they advance on their rollers, or contemplating through the broadcast if they want to recognize the circuit but not train it virtually.

This season it will be possible to recognize the circuits of all the Spanish Championships

The collaboration of FETRI and Bkool Cycling, as well as the research and development work of the Competitions department of the Spanish Triathlon Federation, allows us to present an innovative tool in terms of communication and interaction with the triathlon community.

In the 2021 season, the circuits of the Spanish Duathlon and Triathlon championships will be available on the Bkool Cycling platform so that any user can train or perform them as many times as they want, and the videos with telemetry data that a lap of the track collects. can be viewed on the YouTube channel FETRI.

The Avilés Duathlon route is now available on both platforms, and in a short time there will also be a route and video of the 2021 Alcobendas XNUMX Teams and Relay Teams Duathlon Spanish Championships.

Do you want to participate in the group of virtual recognition?

On Monday, April 5, at 20:30 p.m., a virtual Group Ride meeting will be held on the Bkool Cycling platform, in which athletes who use it will be able to participate through the live session FETRI Avilés 2021 1 lap, which it will be highlighted with a yellow star.

 Outside of the Bkool Cycling application, the triathletes who wish to can actively follow the broadcast of the virtual tour of the group led by David Huertas and Javier Rodríguez from their rollers.

If you want to participate with a trainer and the Bkool Cycling app, see all the information: click here and follow the instructions.

Where can it be seen?

If you do not use cycling trainer, or you just want to see the route with the live commentary on the virtual route, you only have to connect at 20:30 p.m. Monday, April 5 with the YouTube channel FETRI here.


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