The conclusions of Javier Gómez Noya on the Ironman of Hawaii
In cycling I have gone stronger than I should; I recognize my mistake to have passed me by bike but at that moment I thought I had to be with the Lange group to have victory options.
The expected debut of Gómez Noya in the great event of the world triathlon has not had the expected result, an eleventh place that has not satisfied the Galician, who suffered a lot to finish after having to lower the pace in the last phase.
Javier Gómez Noya crossed to the finish line staying at a Top 10 stand, with a total time of 8h21 (at 19 minutes of an intractable Lange who improved his own record in 9 minutes) and 2h59 in the marathon:
"The conclusion is that in cycling I have gone stronger than I should; I recognize my mistake to have passed me by bike but at that moment I thought I had to be with the Lange group to have victory options.
Running I was able to keep the distance with Lange for about 15km but then I was stuck and from there it was simply a fight to finish as worthily as possible. To last bull it is easy to conclude that to have gone softer in bike could have much faster and make better time in goal.
At least I hope I have learned from it and hopefully I can do better in the future since I hope to return, but right now I can not say if it will be in 2019 or later.
It has been my first year of specific training for long distance after a lifetime in shorter distances with another type of more intense training. In Australia in June it was much better but it is clear that Hawaii is different, with the environmental conditions and the level of participation. For something is the most prestigious Ironman.
To those who have stayed ahead today I can only congratulate them on their result. What about Patrick Lange has been spectacular".