What is able to move a person to set as goal to complete 30 IM in 30 days?
We interviewed Jose Manuel Lopez, after his return from the TRIPLE-DECAIRONMAN Italy
Since Triathlon News we have asked ourselves the same question as many of you about this heroism de Jose Manuel López with which will enter the Guiness book of the records.
The surprise has been to discover that the challenge in his mind harbors a "double challenge: Complete up to 60 IM within 365 days, and all for fundraising to build a school farm in Panajachel, in the region of Lake Atitlán, in Guatemala and assemble a social dining room in the city of Palma de Mallorca.
Jose Manuel, how and when did this challenge arise?
For years I have been doing ultraresistance careers, with the aim of raising funds to build a soup kitchen for all people who are homeless, and this test was the result of this social action in which I am immersed, as to obtain funds to build the school farm in Panajachel, Guatemala.
How can a normal person achieve this demanding challenge that could end up looking "inhumane"?
It really seems incredible to me too. As another of the challenges I did where I ran more than 300 km in two days. My motivation was clear, every time I felt faint, I thought of all these homeless people and my goal of obtaining resources for them, and I thought, How am I going to give up? Just remember their faces when I did missions or when every Thursday night we are going to distribute food, they gave me the necessary strength to continue standing. It has been very hard, sometimes 10 hours continued without stopping to rain, but always from a downturn strength returns, I knew it was something temporary and I had to continue.
How did you recover each day to face the next IM?
I proposed to sleep at least 6 hours. Osteopathy sessions were also fundamental, and of course, thinking and knowing how to regulate the forces, eat lots of bananas ... I do not know, many things that ultimately shaped this incredible challenge.
Jose Manuel presents himself as a "normal" person without notable physical characteristics, he states that all his strength is based on his beliefs and having a clear goal to fight for. During the next year we will be able to see him compete in various tests, with the sole objective of achieving the 60IM within 365 days, which we are sure that he will achieve, with his mind always on his social project, of being able to help people in need.
If you want to follow him, you can do it through this link: