When will you be able to travel between provinces?
The Autonomous Communities that are in phase 3 will be able to advance to the new normality

The Autonomous Communities that aren phase 3 they will be able to advance to the new normality, state where mobility between communities will be allowed
LCC AA that are in phase 3 may end the alarm state when they consider it, as confirmed this Friday by the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa.
They will have the competence to manage control of the epidemic in your territory and may take decisions as important as establish the mobility allowed between their own provinces.
It will be when they get to that point, and not before, mobility between autonomous communities may be allowed, as long as they are in that "new normal".
On Monday 52% of the Spanish population will be in phase 3.
48% will be in 2. The Government is clear that the dynamics are "good", but asks to "maintain precautions".
What can be done in Phase 2?
What can be done in Phase 3?
In the case of the 2 phase, some restrictions are lifted.
For example, slots are removed and there is an expansion in the number of people who can meet (from 10 to 15 people). In addition, beaches and swimming pools are opened and visits to relatives in residences are allowed.
Lla has recalled that once in the 3 phase, It is up to the regional presidents to make decisions about de-escalation in their communities, such as whether or not to allow mobility between provinces or internal health units.
"The alarm status has been useful and effective. It has helped us contain the pandemic“, recalled the spokeswoman María Jesús Montero, who also assured that “little by little we are recovering our way of life.”
In the last extension of the alarm, the power will be in the hands of the autonomous communities. “They will have all the help and collaboration of the Ministry of Health“, because “we all add up, we are all necessary and it will be that force that will allow us to definitively overcome the pandemic”.
Information via 20 minutes