Countdown to XTERRA Madrid
The countdown begins so that XTERRA, the biggest international circuit of all-terrain triathlons, disembarks for the first time in the Community of Madrid.
El XTERRA Madrid it will be the first test of XTERRA Spain Tour, the Spanish circuit of off-road triathlons, which will be completed with the appointments of La Viñuela (Málaga), the 31 of August; and Granada, the September 28. The main attraction of participating in its three tests is to accumulate points to be among the best of the national circuit and to obtain, in this way, a place for the XTERRA World Championship of Maui (Hawaii).
The place chosen for the first edition of XTERRA Madrid will be San Martín de Valdeiglesias, a scenario with an exceptional natural environment and that will allow to develop a unique route. There are three options for participation so that anyone who wants to enjoy this incomparable experience. The most affordable will be the OPEN test, limited to a maximum of 500 participants. It will take place on Saturday 12 in July and is aimed at popular triathletes, with more accessible routes and distances (750 meters of swimming, 15 kilometers of MTB and 5 kilometers of trail).
For the most prepared, the PRO competition will take place on Sunday 13 in July. Entries will be limited to a maximum of 300 athletes, who must face 1.500 meters of swimming, 30 kilometers of mountain biking and 10 kilometers of trail. However, the third option allows to dispute this test in teams of relays, so that each of its three members can complete a segment.
And so that the day of the competition there are no doubts about the course and the triathletes just have to worry about enjoying, the team of Du Cross Series, responsible for the organization of this event, has organized a guided tour that will take place on Sunday 29 June and in which participants can recognize the MTB circuit of the PRO test.
The best guaranteed organization
Du Cross Series is responsible for the largest and best duathlon circuit in the Community of Madrid. A festive atmosphere, attractive routes at the same time affordable for popular sportsmen and the best possible organization are the hallmarks of a team that has the endorsement of more than 100 tests of duathlon, triathlon, MTB and running held successfully in our country.