Data and curiosities about Mario Mola's third world cup

Below we show you a series of facts and curiosities about the three-time world champion Mario Mola and also about the Spanish triathlon in general

Total dominance in the foot race: Mario Mola has always been the triathlete in all the WTS who has achieved the best partial in the walking race, except for the Leeds WTS where Murray was fastest and the Gold Coast Grand Final where Vicent Luis was the fastest 

Only triathlete who has been 30 'three times in some 10.000 in the WTS.

Broke the 30 barrier ' in the WTS of Yokohama, In the WTS of Monreal and in the Gold Coast Grand Final. Only Vicent Luis could also get off 30 'and it was in Gold Coast.

Unique sub 14 ' in some 5.000, in the WTS of Hamburg he ran in 13'59 ”

Mario Mola has been the first triathlete in super the 6.000 points in the general of the WTS, adding 6081

Mola has achieved the maximum income between the first and second classified, 1.021 points have separated him from Vicent Luis, who has added 5060.

With the victory of Mola, Spain adds 6 consecutive world title in triathlon, Javier Gómez Noya (2013, 2014, 2015) and Mario Mola (2016, 2017 and 2018). We have not found a similar precedent in the Spanish Olympic sport, that is to say that the world championship of any Olympic sport is won by a Spaniard or Spaniard times in a row.

Mario Mola matches Peter Roberson with three world titles, only surpassed by Noya's 5 and Lessing's 4.

Mario Mola 2018 Triathlon World Champion

Mola is the third triathlete with more medals, 6 (3-2-1) in triathlon worlds, only surpassed by Lessing's 7 and Noya's 10.

Spain currently has 9 gold medals in men's category (5 Noya, 3 Mola and 1 Raña) and is just one to match the 10 golds from Great Britain (4 Lessing, 2 Smint, 2 Alistair, 1 Don and 1 Jonathan).

The "Routier effect". Possibly Mario spent one of the hardest moments of his life with the abuse of his partner, Carolina Routier days before the Bermuda WTS. The example of strength, perseverance and struggle of Carol to recover have been a very important pillar in the growth of Mario Mola this season, where we have been able to see the best Mario of all time.

 Photos: Wagner Araujo / ITU

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