10 triathlons to debut in Media Distancia
In the following article we present 10 triathlons to debut in the middle distance.
The first triathlon is always special, normally almost all people choose to do it in sprint distance, although there are cases of triathletes who prefer to do it in Olympic distance, in medium or long distance.
For those who are regularly running in sprint and Olympic events and are thinking of making the jump to medium distance, here we recommend 10 triathlons ideal for this, with experienced organizers of proven events in the calendar.
Challenge Salou
In 2019 it advances its date to the first weekend of April and will therefore be one of the first triathlons of the season, a very good option to debut in MD, in a proven competition.
In Challange Salou there is always a great PRO participation with great triathletes nationally and internationally, the icing on the cake for a dream debut, the power to share competition with great triathletes.
Place: Salou, Tarragona
Web: http://challengesalou.com/
Date: 5, 6 and 7 for April of 2019
Photo: Jose Luis Hourcade
Challenge Lisbon
Challenge Lisboa is one of the franchise's big bets Challenge Family with its triathlons in important European capitals.
Lisbon has very good communications with Spain, with Ave from Madrid and flights from many cities. Swimming takes place at the mouth of the Tagus in a very calm waters next to the Oceanário de Lisboa.
Cycling and running on foot run along the river, in fast circuits.
Web: https://www.challenge-lisboa.com/
Date: 18 May of 2019
Riaza Triathlon
In Half Triathlon Riaza is one of the tests tested in the center of Spain, this year it celebrated its seventh edition.
The race takes place in a unique place such as the Riofrío reservoir for swimming, together with a demanding cyclist circuit, and ending with a race on foot through the streets of Riaza make this triathlon a great attraction.
Place: Riaza (Segocia)
Web: http://triatlonriaza.com/
Date: 22 of July of 2018
Ecotrimad MD
Ecotrimad is the oldest MD test in the Community of Madrid. It takes place in the Sierra Norte de Madrid, in the town of Buitrago de Lozoya.
The swim will be a one-lap swim in the Riosequillo reservoir, one of the most spectacular swims that can be done in Spain. The course of the bike It has continuous slides.
It also highlights the passage through the wall of 2 dams (El Villar and Puentes Viejas) and through an area of the Sierra Pobre in Madrid. As far as the running is concerned, it has 50% asphalt and another 50% for hard dirt tracks
Place: Buitrago de Lozoya (Madrid)
Date: 16 and 17 of June of 2018
Photo: Cano Fotosports
Buelna Triathlon
Triathlon is Buelna is one of the few tests of Media Distance in which you can compete in the month of August, ideal to match the holidays with the trip to Cantabria to play this race that met its 13th edition this year.
The circuits are very nice and fast, with a swim in the Ebro reservoir, a "favorable" bike ride to Buelna and a walking race through the center of the city.
Place: The corrals of Buelna (Cantabria)
Web: http://www.triatlonbuelna.com/
Date: 18 of August of 2018
Ironman 70.3 Cascais
El Ironman 70.3 de Cascais is celebrating its second edition this year, and for the second time it has put up the “sold out” sign, selling out all its registrations weeks before it is held.
It will be the test chosen by Fernando Alarza to make its debut in the Ironman franchise and this year it will break the record for participation of Spanish triathletes in a competition outside of Spain. There are plenty of incentives to recommend this triathlon as one of the ideal ones to make your debut in medium distance.
Place: Cascais (Portugal)
Web: http://eu.ironman.com/triathlon/events/emea/ironman-70.3/cascais.aspx#axzz5Qe4QvK8F
Date: 30 September of 2018
La Santa Ironman Club 70.3 Lanzarote
Club La Santa Ironman 70.3 Lanzarote is the oldest Ironman 70.3 circuit in Spain and one of the oldest in Europe.
It has its epicenter in the Club La Santa, where the swimming will take place in the lagoon and it will have located the boxes and goal in track of athletics. The cycling segment runs largely between fields of vineyards and lava fields and the race on foot are three laps between Club la Santa and the town of La Santa.
Location: Club La Santa - Lanzarote (Canary Islands)
Website: http://eu.ironman.com/es-es/triathlon/events/emea/ironman-70-3/lanzarote.aspx#axzz5Qe4QvK8F
Date: 6th October 2018
Triathlon MD Guadiana
The test will be played next October 20, and will be the last average distance of the year in the peninsula. The Guadiana Half Distance Triathlon will start with the 1.900 meters of swimming with a perfectly signposted circuit with buoys located between the Isla Canela beach and the sand tongue of Isla Canela, in calm waters. The cycling sector consists of 90 km in a round trip circuit passing through the towns of Ayamonte, Villablanca, San Silvestre de Guzman to Villanueva de los Castillejos where it will be half a turn to return to Isla Canela, The test will end a half marathon to 2 turns of 10,5 km that run along the promenade of Isla Canela and its continuation along Pelicano street in a stretch next to the sea.
Location: Isla Canela - Ayamonte (Huelva)
Website: http://byon-sport.com/i-triatlon-md-ld-guadiana/
Date: 20th October 2018
Half Triathlon Vitoria
Competing in the Basque Country is always special, especially thanks to the support that the triathletes receive from the public who always turns with them encouraging them at all times.
The Half Triathlon Vitoria is the clear example of this, with the Alava capital overturned in his triathlon, both the Half and the Full. An ideal test to debut, with a spectacular goal crowded with people and an organization that flushes with the triathlete.
Location: Vitoria
Web: http://www.triathlonvitoria.com/
Date: July 8, 2018
Photo: Organization
Triathlon Challenge Posadas
Desafío Posadas will start at the 15: 30 in the town of Posadas (Córdoba) with the 1.900 swimming meters at a turn in the dam of the Breña reservoir, in Almodóvar del Río. Later the triathletes will cover 90 km of cycling in a very fast route, divided into two parts, a first link between the T1 in the Breña reservoir to the town of Posadas and the second, a circuit of four laps to complete the 90 km and arrive at the T2 located in Posadas. Much of the segment runs along the Guadalquivir River. Finally 21km on foot will be 4 turns to a circuit of 5,25 km through each of them a large part of the town of Posadas, where the public is delivered to the participants encouraging them at all times.
Place: Posadas (Cordoba)
Web: http://www.triatloncalifasdehierro.com/
Date: 22 September of 2018